主站 / 小组 / 荒野大镖客2 / 荒野大镖客Mod:N网转载的Ped 伤害大修(2月7日 更新 2.0-BETA-7 版本)下载+安装说明

荒野大镖客Mod:N网转载的Ped 伤害大修(2月7日 更新 2.0-BETA-7 版本)下载+安装说明

荒野大镖客Mod:N网转载的Ped 伤害大修(2月7日 更新 2.0-BETA-7 版本)下载+安装说明



发布日期:2023-03-30 19:38:25更新日期:2024-03-25 11:52:56







(呃 最近一段时间这些大佬们的经典 MOD 竟然排着队一样的更新...这个想必更不用过多介绍了 经典中的经典 站内早就有了 但下面还是把详细介绍贴上了 如果你已经非常了解 且有兴趣试试新版 直接下载就好)作者帖子原文:版本 2.0-BETA-7- 添加了一个 ini 参数来启用/禁用解除被击倒的对手的武器- 添加了一个 ini 参数以禁用任务中的 “更长的流血” 功能- 修正了一个错误,当使用 euphoria mods 时,掩体中的 NPC 会突然倒下- 修复了马车中 NPC 的生命值无法正确设置的错误- 修复了 “其他故事 NPC” 的生命值无法正确设置的错误- 修正了一个错误,如果伤害倍数设置在 100% 以上,则不会应用- 调整了一些值以防找不到 ini(由于没有按照安装说明进行操作,这似乎很常见^^)概述这个 mod 试图让枪战更加多样化、动态和有趣,并在整个游戏中保持这种状态。你会发现当 NPC 腿部受伤想逃跑时会跌跌撞撞,身体部位受伤时会捂住伤口,受重伤时会在地上蠕动,受到致命伤害时躺在自己的血泊中不断呻吟...直到走到尽头。重要键(用于切换)这些是标准键,可以通过 ini 文件修改它们(这个 mod 添加到游戏中的所有其他内容也是如此):F9 - 打开/关闭模组(模组默认启用)。F8 - 打开/关闭 “杀死受伤模式”(默认情况下禁用)。这个 mod 添加了一个名为 “垂死状态” 的功能,它使 NPC 在受伤时倒下并且仍然活着一段时间(直到他们流血)。如果激活 “杀死受伤模式”,NPC 将死亡而不是进入 “垂死状态”。F7 - 打开/关闭 “更长的出血模式”(默认情况下禁用)。默认情况下,此 mod 使处于 “垂死状态” 的 NPC 在最多 25 秒内流血死亡(为了不干扰任务期间敌人的后续刷出,只有在处理第一波敌人时才会触发)。如果 “更长的流血模式” 被激活,NPC 需要更长的时间才能流血(这会更逼真,但在某些任务中也会造成阻碍 所以谨慎开启)。F2 - 打开/关闭 “友军开火”(默认情况下禁用)。“友军之火” 目前只对范德林德帮派有效。特征这里是对最重要特征的快速概述:首先,几乎所有的特征都是基于概率的,所以每次遇到他们时行为都不会相同 - 这应该确保更多样化的战斗和让事情比原版更有趣……至少是这个想法几乎每个功能都可以在 ini 中启用、禁用或调整(更多信息在页面下方),所以这不仅仅是一个 mod,而且还使你能够创造自己的体验。这个模组只会改变人类 NPC 的行为和属性——动物或其他任何东西都不会受到影响。轻型版本:NPC 会对他们被射击的位置做出反应(腿部射击会使他们在试图逃跑时绊倒,手部射击会使他们缴械,躯干射击会使他们踉跄,等等)。当 NPC 的生命值下降到某个阈值以下时,他们会摔倒并且不会再爬起来。然后他们经历不同的死亡阶段,每个阶段都有自己的随机行为。最终 NPC 会死于失血过多。NPC 有时会(基于随机)在绝望的情况下(恐慌、乞求、诅咒等)做出可听见的反应。有一个流血功能,这使得 NPC 在受到致命伤害后会失去生命。它基于随机运行,因此 NPC 不会在相同的时间内全部流血死亡。NPC 着火时会燃烧更长时间。NPC 在火灾中幸存的可能性很小(尽管之后他们将无法行动)。NPC在被击中时有机会在原地歇息一段时间(根据他们的生命值)——所以你现在可以趁其不备彻底结束他。对于所有包含的行为,运动和疼痛的声音都已经调整过(并且也都是随机发生的),希望能让你的体验更有趣。标准版本:适用于轻型版本中的相同功能以及以下附加功能:调整 NPC 生命和玩家伤害以提供更令人满意的体验。调整了 NPC 的输出伤害以给玩家提供更多挑战。你现在可以在战斗中感受到武器的状态和弹药类型之间的区别(现在感觉应该经常使用维护得当、威力强大的武器和特殊弹药射击)。NPC 的射击精度较低,并且它们的精度会随着健康状况的下降而下降。手臂和腿部射击对 NPC 造成的伤害较小。所有 NPC 都可以被解除武器(是的,甚至是执法人员)。缚住 NPC 就可以解除他的武器,如果他们设法挣脱,可能会拔出一把隐藏的刀捅向你。大修版本:适用于标准版本中的相同功能以及以下附加功能:核心消耗(健康、耐力、死眼)已适度增加——现在狩猎和购买食物成为必要的选择死亡后核心将完全耗尽死后额外损失 25% 的金钱要求:ScriptHook 、 Lenny’s Mod Loader安装:按下面具体说明选择版本 然后将解压后文件拖放到游戏根目录中即可在游戏中,你可以按 F9 检查模组是否正确加载(F9 一次禁用,然后再次 F9 重新启用模组)。版本选择①主要文件——Ped 伤害大修 - 带有可选文件包含 Light、Standard 和 Overhaul(轻型、标准和大修) 版本的 .asi 和 .ini 文件(仅选装一个)。还包括可选 “lml” 文件(更长的肢解反应和调整后的动脉出血)。需要 Lenny’s Mod Loader。②主要文件——Ped 伤害大修 - 带有可选文件(与 Euphoria 模组兼容)包含 Light、Standard 和 Overhaul(轻型、标准和大修) 版本的 .asi 和 .ini 文件(仅选装一个)。调整了动脉出血,但不再有肢解反应(它们与 Euphoria 模组冲突)。需要 Lenny’s Mod Loader。③主要文件——Ped 伤害大修 - 没有可选文件包含 Light、Standard 和 Overhaul(轻型、标准和检修) 版本的 .asi 和 .ini 文件(仅选装一个)。没有更长的肢解反应和调整后的动脉出血。不需要 Lenny’s Mod Loader。④可选文件——替代配置(longer burning only)这是一个替代配置,它禁用除更长的刻录功能之外的所有功能。你可以采用此配置并一项一项启用功能(如果你只想启用某些功能)。- 功能 xyz 似乎不起作用 - 我该怎么办?通过按 F9(应显示“mod disabled”消息)检查你的 mod 是否正确安装,然后再次按 F9(应显示“mod enabled”消息),以及一行“ini file found”(找到 ini 文件)。如果消息未显示或该行显示“ini file not found”(未找到 ini 文件),则表示模组未正确安装。- 我有性能问题 - 有什么我可以做的吗?打开 ini 并查找名为 “ModEffectRange” 的参数。将此参数的值设置为 50。如果仍然不能解决你的问题,请减小该值并重试。- 我的游戏有奇怪的问题(掉落时武器复制,菜单错误等等)你可能安装了导致此行为的其他模组或修改器。发生冲突造成的。请排查你已经安装的模组、修改器和挂钩 - PDO 模组本身不会导致此类的问题。(非常感谢作者 Hundsfott)![图片](att#game#com/att/forum/202302/07/220608w8s4cl8chlvhix4x.jpg)下面是调整 ini 参数的一些具体操作原文 有兴趣想自行修改的可以去看看 最后还有那恐怖的更新日志......TWEAKINGIn general, every parameter in the ini has a description (including information on how to disable the feature). Feel free to play around.There are already a lot of features enabled and tweaked for out-of-the-box use, yet there are some features left untouched which can be enabled in the ini. That said, if you just want to disable one or more features, set their respective values to 0 (or whatever value the description suggests).Examples:To turn off the bleeding feature: set BleedWhenDying to 0To turn off the disarming when hogtying NPCs: set HogtyingDisarms to 0To turn off the dying state features: set DyingMovementThreshold, DyingMovementThreshold2 and DyingThreshold to 0If you want to disable a feature which is based on chance, just set the chance value to 0.Examples:To turn off the knocking the wind out of your opponents: set KnockbackChance to 0To turn off the possibility of NPCs surviving fire: set FireSurvivalChance to 0To turn off the chance of stumbling when shot in the leg: set StumbleChanceOneLeg and StumbleChanceBothLegs to 0There are also many other features that can be activated in the ini - here are some examples:LassoDisarms -> makes catching someone with your lasso disarm them (no hogtying necessary)NPCWeaponModifier (and many other damage modifiers) -> makes NPCs do more or less damage, depending on what you set it toBleedWhenShot -> enables a bleeding feature which triggerswhen an NPC gets shot (so not the usual "bleed out when under x health" but consistent bleeding which is applied after the first hit of a bullet – the bleeding chance and deducted health points can be set separately).The ini is full of values for those wanting to experiment a little.One word of warning to tweakers: If the NPC health is set too high, headshots might not be lethal anymore, unless they hit the actual brain of the NPC (so a shot in the jaw would do more damage than other body parts, but would not be an instant kill). Actual "brain-shots" are always one-shot-kills, no matter the health.KNOWN "ISSUES"(they are not real issues)The disarming feature can be exploited to slow down new waves of lawmen. The same is true for the dying state feature. If there are too many lawmen dying or fleeing around the player, new waves won’t spawn in until the lawmen die or get enough distance (this feature can be turned off in the .ini file if that is a deal breaker to you).When disarming is enabled, the dropped weapons may appear partly invisible. This is only optical though, they can be picked up and used as usual.更新日志Version 2.0-BETA-7- Added an ini parameter to enable/disable the disarming of downed opponents- Added an ini parameter to disable the "longer bleedouts" feature in missions- Fixed a bug where NPCs in cover would sack down all of a sudden when using euphoria mods- Fixed a bug where health for npcs in vehicles would not be set correctly- Fixed a bug where health for "Other Story NPCs" would not be set correctly- Fixed a bug where damage multipliers would not be applied if they were set above 100%- Adjusted some values in case the ini is not found (due to not following the installation instructions, which is very common, it seems^^)Version 2.0-BETA-3- Fixed a bug where the .ini parameter for police health would not be appliedVersion 2.0-BETA-2- Fixed a bug where NPCs disarmed in hand-to-hand combat could get stuck in a falling-down-hands-up-loop- Fixed a bug where NPCs in hostage situations could take multiple headshots to kill- Fixed display of status information (when OSD for NPC health or other information is enabled)- Increased performance- Disabled the "HogtyingDisarms" feature by default (to not mess random encounters up, when friendlies are tied up)- Tweaked player damage values- Implemented internal fallback values, in case the .ini file is not found- Added new characters to the exclusion list- Added .ini parameter for disabling PDO in missions- Added .ini parameter to exclude NPCs spawned by the BodyGuardSpawner-Mod (enabled by default)- Added .ini parameter for disabling PDO core depletion after death in missions- Added .ini parameter for disabling PDO money loss after death in missions- Implemented alternative police behavior (makes lawmen get off their horses some distance away from the player, if the player is on foot - so they dont seem suicidal --> idea by AnymYo)- Added .ini parameter for disabling alternative police behavior in missions- Added .ini parameters for adjusting alternative police behavior- Implemented a new system for setting NPC health (random health amount between two values)- Added .ini parameters for adjusting the random health amount- Implemented NPC groups for the new health settings (friendly story npcs, other story npcs, lawmen, all other npcs)- Added .ini parameters for setting the health of each NPC groupVersion 2.0-BETA- Performance is hopefully improved (let us know in the comments!)- New optional file (Lenny’s Mod Loader required) that makes NPCs react much longer to dismemberment and increases the chances that a neck shot will cause arterial bleeding. Thanks to AnymYo (author of Cineastic Euphoria Ragdoll Rework, which is exceptional and we wholeheartedly recommend it) for helping us figure this out!- Stumbling mechanic reworked. NPCs who are mortally wounded will now stumble in more believable and varied ways before they fall. Also, the .ini now contains parameters so that you can tweak this feature to your liking (making stumbling behaviours longer, shorter, or eliminating them entirely). Those parameters are DSEuphoriaStumbleMin and DSEuphoriaStumbleMax.- Euphoria mods should be compatible, but in case there are any problems, we added the EuphoriaModInstalled parameter to the .ini. Set it to 1 and that should help.- Tweaked limb damage. NPCs no longer die easily from being shot in the limbs unless the weapon is powerful enough to dismember. It is now more viable to subdue NPCs without having to kill them.- The feature that lets you disarm everybody, including lawmen, works more consistently now.- Added new surrender feature. Disarming an NPC (or simply damaging their right arm, which they depend on to use weapons) will cause them to put their hands up instead of fleeing. However, if they have more than one ally backing them up, they will try to flee (number of allies is configurable in the .ini).- Expanded the possible reactions for NPCs who have surrendered: fleeing when being shot, fleeing when player is far enough away (distance configurable in the ini), fleeing when enough time has passed (time is configurable in the ini).- NPCs on horseback or carriage are also subject to that behaviour. If shot in the right arm, they will dismount and put their hands up. If they have allies helping them, they will attempt to flee instead.- NPCs on vehicles are no longer too hard to kill. Previous versions of the mod had the unintended side effect of making them more resilient.- Added .ini parameters for configuring health of NPCs on vehicles- Added .ini parameters for the LongerBleedouts feature- Tweaked NPC health and player damage accordingly, so NPCs will not seem spongy in any situation.- "Disabled" the falling time function via the ini (because tweaked NPC health makes it obsolete)- Downed NPCs will only bleed to death if shot in the neck or torso. Limb damage can permanently down an NPC, but will not cause bleedout.- Excluded three more story NPCs from the mod (so missions don’t break)- Added ini parameter for showing NPCs in DyingStates as Blips on the map/minimap (disabled by default)- Springfield and Bolt Action Rifle are now affected by the SpecialWeaponModifier (instead of the normal one)- Fixed various problems related to Euphoria behaviours glitching when using certain weapons- Removed obsolete "force pushing" code and its related .ini parameters.- Fixed a bug where damage modifiers were not properly calculated- Fixed a bug which led to NPCs not behaving properly in Dying States- Fixed a bug where bleeding would not work correctly- Fixed a bug where spine paralysis chance would not apply as intended- Fixed a bug where NPCs would not play wounded animations in the early Dying States- Fixed a bug where paralyzed NPCs would not bleed out- Fixed the "sacking down on leg shot" problem- Fixed a bug where falling damage (even from low heights) would trigger bleeding- Fixed a bug where falling damage (even from low heights) would trigger Dying State behavior- Expanded TieYourLasso mod support- Added new ini parameters for TieYourLasso mod supportVersion 1.57- Added ini values for configuring shock state behavior- Reduced shock state behavior- Added ini value for configuring a velocity threshold for DyingStates (only sets in if NPC moves slower, so no abrupt stop should happen)- Added horse core drain- Added ini values for horse core drain- Added navy revolver to supported weapons- Implemented modifications for TieYourLasso-mod NPC behavior (enabled by default)- Added ini values for configuring TieYourLasso-modification-values- NPCs now move more often when down- Improved audio responses from NPCs- Added ini value for spine paralysis audio chance- introduced "light" config (in addition to standard and overhaul)- Fixed a bug where NPCs would loop sounds- Tweaked ini for better compatibility with any euphoria mods- Tweaked ini values for better gameplay (hopefully for everyone’s taste)Version 1.56- Fixed a bug where NPCs would loop pain sounds when spine paralysis was activatedVersion 1.55- Fixed a bug where NPCs would occasionally loop dying sounds- Fixed a bug where NPCs would not drop their weapons when downedVersion 1.54- Fixed a bug where NPCs were able to talk while on fire- Added a toggle key for "Friendly Fire"- With the Overhaul version you now lose additional 25% of your money on death- Added ini option for configuring money loss on death- Added new audio to Dying State and Shock reactions- If both legs of NPCs are damaged, they now get forced to the ground after some time- Added ini values for configuring the forcing to the ground when hit in the legs- Added ini values for spine shot paralysis (disabled by default)- Decreased damage taken by NPCs from leg and arm shots- Decreased the amount of time an NPC can stay in shock state (to make it feel more natural)- Tweaked ini values for more satisfying euphoria behaviorVersion 1.53- Added ini option for player health (experimental)- Fixed a bug where NPCs got up after entering Dying States- Fixed a bug where NPCs stood still when hit in an artery- Tweaked a few values for better gameplayVersion 1.52- Fixed a bug where NPCs popped up instead of getting up normallyVersion 1.51- Fixed a bug where NPCs went completely limp within a split second when one-shotted- Added ini option for disabling item glow- Added ini option for friendly fire (currently only for the Van Der Linde gang)- Added ini values for configuring the transition into dying states (like maximum time for stumbling and such)- Added ini option for activating force pushes even when using writhing animations (don’t know why someone would want that, but now it’s possible)- Added ini option to overwrite the hard cap on time spent in Dying States on certain conditions- Tweaked the bleeding settings and bleeding blockers to function more intuitively (now only hogtying NPCs can stop them from bleeding out --> bounty missions)- Adjusted audio in Dying States, so only fitting dialogue will be played- Tweaked audio chance in Dying States- Injured NPCs (not in Dying State) will move slightly different when their legs have been hit- Tweaked ragdolling triggers behind the curtains, so more varied euphoria movement can happen (examples: standing in shock, dramatic kneefalls, etc.)- Small performance optimizations (RTX users who had problems with prior versions, please report if it helped)Version 1.50- Fixed a bug where falling from horses made NPCs die almost instantly- Fixed a bug where lasso-ing injured NPCs would instantly break the lasso- Fixed the bug where NPCs movement physics would go crazy in slow motion (dead eye or weapon wheel)- More story NPCs were excluded from the mod’s effects- Added an ini parameter for horse health (applies to the horse the player is sitting on)- Added an ini parameter for horse invincibility (applies to the horse the player is sitting on)- Re-tweaked health and damage modifiers- Re-tweaked bleeding values for compatiblity with story missions (NPCs bleed out faster, so enemy spawning is not hindered)- Introduced a "longer bleedouts mode" making NPCs in dying states take longer to bleed out -> if you don’t like the above mentioned tweak (can be enabled via the ini)- Added an ini parameter for permanently toggling or untoggling "longer bleedouts mode"- Introduced a "kill wounded mode" killing all NPCs in dying states (can be enabled via the ini)- Added an ini parameter for permanently toggling or untoggling "kill wounded mode"- Reduced the available config versions to "standard" and "overhaul" (both tweaked for maximum enjoyment, hopefully^^)- Disabled the ini setting which made NPCs only bleed if hit in the torso (can be re-enabled in the ini)- Hogtied NPCs don’t bleed anymore (except from artery shots) -> handy for bounty hunting (can be disabled in the ini)- Tweaked the fear mechanism so it is harder to make enemies fear you- NPCs will now react audibly if they are in hopeless situationsVersion 1.49- Fixed a bug where NPCs would just sack down when hit in the head with a throwing weapon or bow- Fixed a bug where it could occur that NPCs just die from being knocked down (can still happen from certain knockouts, but that’s vanilla behavior)- More story NPCs added to the "story NPC exlusion" option in the ini- Added an ini parameter for the sneaking noise multiplier- Re-implemented the accuracy mechanic and made it more complex and random- Added a new fear-mechanic which lets NPCs flee, surrender or panic if the player is a god-like combatant (details configurable in the ini)Version 1.48- Fixed the "floating NPCs"-bug- Fixed a bug which could occur with melee dying states enabled (NPC not transitioning into dying stage properly)- Fixed a bug causing weird behavior when falling from certain spots in the world- Re-implemented disarming - now you can set disarming chances, not only switch it on or off- Disarming reactions can now also be configured (chances of each behavior can be set)- Re-implemented stumbling on bullet impact - now you can set stumbling chances, not only switch it on or off- Re-implemented falling calculation mechanics (now based on falling time, not on health value)- Core depletion amount can now be set separately for each core- DyingState animations re-tweaked to avoid weird movement- Bleeding is now only applied if NPCs are shot in the torso (so you can take NPCs out with leg shots without having them bleed out) - can be configured in the ini- Added an experimental ini value for those with performance problems (amount of affected NPCs can be configuredVersion 1.47- Re-tweaked the dying movement values to match the new animations better (spinning NPCs should be gone now)- NPCs now drop sooner when entering dying states - extended stumbling is now disabled by default (can be enabled in the ini)- NPCs in writhing animations don’t die from lasso-ing them anymore- Removed an unused ini value, added a missing ini valueVersion 1.46- NPCs can now be shot off their horses and into the dying states- NPCs can now be shot into the dying states even if in cover- Added proper writhing animations to the dying states and tweaked the states for adjusted behavior (occurences can be tweaked in the ini)- Added an option for "melee fight victims ragdolling into dying state behavior" to the ini (disabled by default)Version 1.45- Reworked the code of DyingStates to be more performant- Completely re-tweaked DyingStates behavior- Re-tweaked stumbling on "bullet impact" behavior- Added the option of adjusting story NPC health (to survive higher enemy damage)- Added new ini parameters- Created a new config called "Overhaul" (next to "Standard" and "Realistic") which makes use of almost all the ini values availableVersion 1.44- Fixed a bug where NPCs would enter the dying state immediately after being spawned and not snap out of it- Fixed a bug where fall damage wouldn’t work properlyVersion 1.43- Fixed a bug where NPCs wouldn’t play the coughing sound when in a dying state and in water- The occurence of dying states can now be configured in the ini (percentage chance of when to use dying states and when to use vanilla behavior)- Excluding story NPCs is now optional (a setting was added to the ini, which allows the mod to affect story NPCs as well)- Body part specific damage modifiers can now be set in the ini (arms, legs, torso, neck, head)- Added rare occasions of NPCs audibly panicking when in hopeless situations- Added a modifier for knife damage to the iniVersion 1.42- Tweaked a value for the first dying stage- Added more story NPCs to be excluded by the mods effects (please report to us, if we forgot any)- Added an option for NPC accuracy to the ini (disabled by default)- DyingStates are now disabled for NPCs who only got damaged in fistfights, so they can always get back up again like in vanilla (can be enabled/disabled in the ini)- Disabling the disarming feature now also prevents NPCs from dropping their weapons when entering a dying stateVersion 1.41- Tweaked a value for the first dying stage- Added an option for core depletion (health, stamina, deadeye) to the ini (turned off by default, but it can be turned on and configured in the ini)- Added an option for core depletion (health, stamina, deadeye) on death (turned off by default, but can be turned on in the ini)Version 1.31Fixed some default ini values which would cause bugs.Version 1.11- fixed a bug where dyingthreshold and knockbackthreshold would not compute properly (thanks to @fitfondue for reporting!)- adjusted dyingthreshold default value- adjusted knockbackthreshold default valueVersion 1.4- Fixed some bugs- Fixed some inconsistent behaviors- Added more story NPCs to be excluded by the mods effects (please report to us, if we forgot any)- Hogtying NPCs now disarms them (can be disabled in the ini)- Bleeding damage now only occurs when hit by bullets, knives, etc. (melee wounds dont apply bleeding effects anymore)- When disarming NPCs there is now a small chance of surrendering (hands up) or cowering in fear (additional to the fleeing or attacking behaviors)- Added multiple stages of dying (with different movements) when health is below a certain threshold - all based on chances, so behaviors wont get old- Rebalanced most of the values to fit in with the new features- Added more configuration options to the iniVersion 1.3- Story NPCs are no longer affected by this mod (if you notice some we might have forgot, please report their names).- Every NPC can be fully disarmed now, including lawmen. Most times they’ll flee, sometimes they’ll keep attacking with a knife or bare fists.- Enemies now stagger around as they clutch their wounds after being shot. They may trip over scenery or lean onto walls before falling or recovering their balance.- Fall damage is now unnaffected by NPC health, so that even high health values will not make NPCs survive huge falls.- NPCs now stumble more often if you shoot both legs. Falls can also result in leg damage, so shooting one leg may result in the other also being wounded in the fall.- NPCs can be automatically disarmed when lassoed (disabled by default, but can be enabled in .ini).- The .ini offers many more customization options now so you can tailor the experience to your liking.- There is only one .zip file to download, which includes both the standard and the realistic version.Version 1.2- rebalanced everything (NPC health, thresholds, chances, etc.)- added a bleedout function (NPCs in dying mode now lose health continuously, based on chance)- added the option to adjust Arthurs health value (deactivated by default, but configurable in the ini)- added a separate version with more "realistic" values- added the following ini values (those marked with * are not in the config by default, but you can add them if you want to tinker):BleedWhenDying (enables or disables the bleeding function)BleedingChanceDying (the chance of NPC losing health = bleeding)BleedingValue (the value which is deducted when bleeding kicks in)PlayerHealth (option to set Arthurs health)*BleedWhenShot (adds a bleeding function for NPCs under the knockback threshold)*BleedingChanceShot (chance for NPC losing health when under the knockback threshold)*StumbleForcePushX (pushing force when stumbling, x-direction)*StumbleForcePushY (pushing force when stumbling, y-direction)*StumbleForcePushZ (pushing force when stumbling, z-direction)*IsDirectionRelative (pushing force when stumbling, is the pushing direction relative)*IsForceRelative (pushing force when stumbling, is the pushing force relative)Version 1.1- lowered chance of NPCs surviving fire from 90% to 20%- lowered health of NPCs- certain weapons (shotguns, sniper rifles, tomahawks, improved arrows, dynamite arrows, dynamite) now do way more damage- added ini for configuration with the following values:ToggleKey (set the F-key with which you want to toggle the mod)EnableScriptByDefault (choose if you want the mod to be enabled by default)PlayerInvincibility (choose if you want to be invincible)FireSurvivalChance (set the chance of NPCs surviving fire yourself)FireHealth (health value which NPCs will get when they are burning and are not supposed to survive)NPCHealth (set the standard NPC health)KnockbackThreshold (set the amount of health under which NPCs can be knocked back)KnockbackChance (set the chance for an NPC being knocked back when under the threshold)DyingThreshold (set the amount of health under which NPCs wont be able to get back up again)StumbleChance (set the chance for an NPC to stumble or fall if it has damaged legs)SpecialWeaponModifier (set the damage modifier for the weapons mentioned above)- fixed all the bugs that I noticed in v1.0






