What can the Cheat Commander do exactly?
- Add small or large amounts of gold
- Add character experience
- Set your character to a specific level
- Generate full sets of legendary gear for your current character level
- Spawn items such as lockpicks, runes or purging wands
- Create every skillbook for any skill type (including combination books)
- Add extra attribute and talent points beyond your current level
- Add character tags, including hero and villain
Version 1#7#26.48
Added a Cheat Book to summon a Cheat Commander wherever you want to.
Cheat Book will be granted automatically at the start of the campaign, or retroactively granted to party heroes on save game load when activating the mod on old saves.
Can also ask the Cheat Commander for a new book on demand.
Added ability for the Cheat Commander to give out extra Swornbreakers.
Ask for 1.gold 金钱
2.levels 等级
3. experience 经验
4. equipment 装备.传奇装备 (随角色等级生成)
5. items 杂物 > 1.lockpicks开锁工具 ,2. shovel铲,3.purging wannd净化魔棒,4.符文,5.符文, (使用前请确认背包有大量空间), 6.永恒圣器, 7永恒圣器
6. skillbooks 全技能书 >选择职业 (使用前请确认背包有大量空间)
7. attributes 增加 > 属性点 .战斗能力.天赋. 民事能力
8.tags 增加角色"标签"内容
NPC位置有3个地方 第一章下船起始点就有(看图),每一章的起始点