主站 / 小组 / GTA5:侠盗猎车手5 / 侠盗猎车手5MOD Euphoria Ragdoll大修 - E.R.O

侠盗猎车手5MOD Euphoria Ragdoll大修 - E.R.O

侠盗猎车手5MOD Euphoria Ragdoll大修 - E.R.O


原创作者:MiGGousT 所在平台:互联网

发布日期:2023-05-09 00:29:23更新日期:2024-03-25 11:52:56







GTA V在包括游戏在内的Euphoria时最令人失望。 RDR和Max Payne 3是最好的,IV没有落后。我所做的是将GTA V带到同一水平或接近这两个游戏代表的Euphoria实时布娃娃。为确保GTA V Euphoria能够做到的最佳反应,我们需要做很多工作。



-GTA IV推车回来了!当用车辆推动时,Peds不再立即掉在地上


- 抓住并抓住他们受伤的地方,并尝试在同一时间平衡(就像RDR一样),颈部镜头看起来非常野蛮,因为当peds试图用手阻止流血时

- 射击某人的腿现在再现他们的正确反应,试图平衡但最终如果受伤就会崩溃

- 当胸部射击时,目标可以进入休克状态

- 当人们近距离爆炸时,没有更奇怪的力量(霰弹枪面对例如抬起的地面目标,以创造“好莱坞”效果)

- 在死亡时跪下并在那里停留一段时间

- 武装人员有时会进入“最后一站”并在平衡时射击你(即使是双手武器)

- 在肠道内射击会导致身体紧张,以应对巨大的痛苦

- 他们通常是insta-ragdoll,但有可能腿部抽搐,身体紧张,抓住伤口

- 更好的触电效果,没有更多的瞬间掉落和抽搐,但现在目标将尝试平衡肌肉休克

- 由于它们不会在汽车上自动翻滚,因此运行时看起来更自然

- 更好地支撑冲击反应

-Melee现在看起来好多了这个新的“抓住它伤害” - 反应,特别刺伤

- 爆炸使目标试图从爆炸中掩盖他们的头部,将他们的手放在头顶上

- 现在推动人们更容易,他们的平衡更好

- 可能是我忘了很多狗屎,观看视频和图片,你明白我的意思


- 兴奋刚度设定为绝对最小值

- 改善与汽车碰撞,而不是过度

- 令人毛骨悚然的命中和运行物理

- 现在抓车不会丢弃你的车,也不会打扰,所以每个人都可以使用它

- 在山坡上慢慢翻滚了一下

GTA V was the most dissappointing when it came to Euphoria including games. RDR and Max Payne 3 were the best and IV didn't come much behind. What I've done is bring GTA V to the same level or close to what those two games represent of the Euphoria real-time ragdolls. Much work was involved to ensure best reactions GTA V Euphoria can do. 

Don't forget to check my other realism experience mods! 


-GTA IV car pushing is back! Peds no longer fall on the ground instantly when pushing with vehicle 

-Targets will try to balance much longer if they're alive after shot 

-Targets grab and hold where they're hurt and try to balance at the same time (Much like RDR), neck shots look extremely brutal 'cause of this when peds try to stop the bleeding with their hands 

-Shooting someones leg now reproduces correct reaction from them, trying to balance but eventually collapsing if hurt enough 

-Targets can enter a shock-state when shot in chest 

-No more weird force shit when blasting someone up-close (Shotgun to face for example lifted target of the ground to create that "Hollywood" effect) 

-Chance to drop on knees on death and stay there for a while 

-Armed individuals will sometimes enter "last stand" and shoot you when balancing (Even with two handed weapons)

-Shooting in the gut can cause tension in the body to deal with the immense pain 

-Headshots are usually insta-ragdoll but with a chance of leg twitching, body tension, grabbing the wound 

-Better electrocuted effect, no more insta dropping and twitching but now targets will try to balance the muscle shock

-Running peds over look more natural as they don't auto-roll over the car 

-Better bracing for impact reaction 

-Melee now looks much better with this new "grab where it hurts"-reaction, stabbing especially 

-Explosion make targets try and cover their heads from the blast, putting their hands above their head 

-And pushing people is now more easier and their balance is better 

-Probably a lot of shit I forgot, watch the video and pics and you see what I mean 

Changelog 1#9#4: 

-Euphoria stiffness set to absolute minimum 

-Improved bumping with car, not overdone 

-Gruesome hit and run physics 

-Car grabbing will not trash your car now and is not intrusive so it is enabled for everyone 

-Slowed tumbling down hill a bit 


Euphoria Ragdoll大修 - E.R.O

Euphoria Ragdoll大修 - E.R.O






