Balanced PC Master Race (Vanilla, R+F)
平衡版本。适用于R + F和标准规则集。
扮演Gabe Newell领导PC Master Race。构建像开发工作室这样的独特区域,指挥Ascendants侦察单位,并创建Half Life 3游戏(奢侈资源)。
支持YnAMP TSL用于最大地球,巨型地球和最大地球地图。
这个mod是基于Monk Preston的文明5的类似mod。
- 新的文明:PC大师赛,日本的音乐为这个文明播放(见讨论改变)。
- 新领袖:Gabe Newell
- 百科信息百科
- 美国艺术和图标部分取自Monk Preston的文明5模型
- PC大赛的
新独特区域 - 新的独特区域项目,包括一些创建半条命3游戏(奢侈品资源)
- PC Master Race的新独特单元 - PC Master Race的
- 所有独特的区域都是可移动的(感谢TC的原始模块)
- 最后的新虚拟技术/公民,以避免未来的技术/公民垃圾邮件(不代替Future Tech / Civic)。
Gabe Newell(特征 - PC游戏幻想/蒸汽平台):
Gaben激励并团结了他的员工和他们的游戏主题:Master Race独特区域的每个邻近区域的收益率为+1。/ Steam平台允许玩家在论坛上找到新游戏,找到彼此,进行交流并提供游戏反馈。Design Studio和Development Studio的区域成本减半。
PC Master Race(特征 - 定制/ 60 FPS和4K):
控制台农民面对Glorious PC Master Race所拥有的力量,让他们在每次战斗前都能进行自定义:+5对抗野蛮人的战斗力+ 25% XP增加所有单位。
独特建筑 - 游戏神社
独特单位 - 上升者
- 开发工作室(取代工业区): 这是所有实习生和咕噜声完成应用程序,系统开发的所有艰苦工作的地方,Web,嵌入式系统和测试自动化。
- 会计部门(取代商业中心): 这是公司的所有销售,营销和会计。
- 研究设施(取代校园): 这是新游戏物理,游戏引擎和游戏概念的所有研究和开发。如果你想制作关于门户网站的精彩游戏,你必须在某个地方测试门户物理!
- 设计工作室(取代剧院广场): 这是艺术家和平面设计师为游戏创作2D和3D艺术品和模型的地方,作家和音乐家创作故事和配乐的地方。
- 会议中心(取代圣地): 这是粉丝可以进行互动,可能是cosplay,在最好的设备上玩新的和当前的游戏,与开发人员和工作人员会面,并获得免费的东西。
- 员工休息室(取代娱乐区): 这是所有员工可以在这个拥有大量植物的巨大空间内放松,聊天,购买和食用食物的地方。
- 法律部门(取代营地): 这是所有公司律师都可以破坏,攻击和起诉其他公司的地方。该公司也需要为类似的攻击辩护。
- Office Complex(取代邻里): 公司需要更多办公空间,以确保PC Master Race的持续增长和主导地位。
- Glorious Port(取代Harbour): 这使得该公司可以在世界各地运送新开发的游戏。Glorious Port还可以进行深海捕捞和深海采矿(此版本不添加任何食物或生产)。
- 泵送系统(取代渡槽): 新的先进技术允许直接从地下深处抽取淡水,使其可以在任何地方建造,然后泵送到市中心。这种极其清新的水被土壤过滤得非常好,而且总是很冷。只有Gordan Freeman能够导航这个管道系统。
- 门户网络节点(取代机场): 使用门户网站在世界各地交易和发送新游戏的广阔场所。人们还可以使用门户网站前往其他门户网站。门户及其电源必须保持在地下以确保安全和防御。上面的开阔土地用于建造和储存飞机以保护节点并提供备用运输。
(Half Life 3项目的新图标):
- 除办公楼外,还有一些项目可以删除每个独特的区域。特别感谢TC的可移动区域mod原始脚本。
- 请注意,地区项目每回合的产量与其他地区项目相同。他们花费更多,并且在完成时不会奖励优秀人才。
- 开发工作室:开发下一代游戏和工具:每一轮提供黄金。
- 设计工作室:设计半条命3(需要计算机):完成解锁项目以开发半条命3
- 开发工作室:开发半条命3(需要计算机和设计项目):每回合提供黄金。完成后,将获得2张Half Life 3 Collector's Edition的副本。
- 会计部门:创造半条命3炒作:每回合提供大量金币。
- Convetion Center:主办公约:每回合提供一次信仰。
Balanced version. Works with both R+F and standard ruleset.
Play as Gabe Newell leading the PC Master Race. Construct unique districts like the Development Studio, command the Ascendants recon unit, and create the Half Life 3 game (luxury resource).
Supports YnAMP TSL for Largest Earth, Giant Earth, and Greatest Earth Map.
Current translations: Japanese (crude Google Translate)
This mod is based off Monk Preston's similar mod for Civ 5.
Make sure you only have one of the versions enabled in additional content when starting a new game:
OP (but not massively OP) Version
Massively OP Version
- New Civ: PC Master Race, Japan's music plays for this Civ (see discussion to change).
- New Leader: Gabe Newell
- Wikipedia Information in the Civilopedia
- Beautiful art and icons partly taken from Monk Preston's mod for Civ 5
- New unique districts for the PC Master Race
- New unique district projects, including some to create the Half Life 3 Game (a luxury resource)
- New unique unit for the PC Master Race
- New unique building for the PC Master Race
- All the unique districts are removable (thanks to TC's original mod)
- New dummy techs/civics at the end to avoid future tech/civic spamming (does not replace Future Tech/Civic).
Gabe Newell (Traits - PC Gaming Visionary / Steam Platform) :
Gaben inspires and unites his staff and his gamer subjects: Master Race unique districts receive +1 to their respective yields for each adjacent district. / The Steam platform allows gamers to find new games, find one another, communicate, and provide game feedback on forums. District costs halved for the Design Studio and Development Studio.
PC Master Race (Traits - Customization / 60 FPS and 4K):
The console peasants cower in the face of the power wielded by the Glorious PC Master Race that allows them to customize before each battle: +5 combat strength against barbarians and +25% XP gains for all units.
Unique Building - Gaming Shrine
(no new building model):
Replaces Monument. Provides +2 Science and Culture to its city. Online Cloud storage allows for the storage of 1 Great Work of Music and 1 Great Work of Writing.
Unique Unit - Ascendants
(uses a combination of existing unit models):
Atomic Era melee recon unit with 65 combat strength and increased base sight. Replaces the Ranger unit and costs more to build. Requires Computers.
Unique Districts
(no new models or buildings yet. All districts function the same as originals unless otherwise noted):
- Development Studio (replaces Industrial Zone): This is where all the interns and grunts do all the hard work of Development for Applications, Systems, Web, Embedded Systems, and Test Automation.
- Accounting Department (replaces Commercial Hub): This is where all the sales, marketing, and accounting occurs for the corporation.
- Research Facility (replaces Campus): This is where all the research and development for new game physics, game engines, and game concepts occurs. If you want to make a great game about portals, you have to test portal physics somewhere!
- Design Studio (replaces Theater Square): This is where artists and graphic designers create 2D and 3D artwork and models for games, and where the writers and musicians create stories and soundtracks.
- Convention Center (replaces Holy Site): This is where fans can come to interact, possibly cosplay, play new and current games on the best equipment, meet the developers and staff, and just get free stuff.
- Employee Lounge (replaces Entertainment District): This is where all the employees can go to relax, chat, and buy and eat food in this enormous with tons of plants.
- Legal Department (replaces Encampment): This is where all the company lawyers can work to undermine, attack, and sue other companies. The company also needs to be defended from similar attacks as well.
- Office Complex (replaces Neighborhood): The company needs more office to ensure the continued growth and dominance of the PC Master Race.
Provides +4 housing regardless of appeal.
- Glorious Port (replaces Harbor): This allows the company to ship newly developed games all around the world. The Glorious Port also enables Deep Sea Fishing and Deep Sea Mining (doesn't add any food or production in this version).
- Pumping System (replaces Aqueduct): New advanced technology allows pumping freshwater directly from very deep underground, allowing it to be built anywhere and then pumped to the city center. This supremely fresh water has been extremely well-filtered by the soil and is always cold. Only Gordan Freeman is capable of navigating this piping system.
Provides +5 Housing regardless of river/lake access. Requires Steam Power.
- Portal Network Node (replaces Aerodrome): A vast place for using portals to trade and send the new games all over the world. People can also use to portals to travel to other portal gates. The portals and their power sources must be kept underground for safety and defense. The open land above is used to build and store aircraft to defend the node and provide backup transportation.
Unique District Projects
(new icon for the Half Life 3 projects):
- There are projects to remove each of the unique districts, except for the Office Complex. Special thanks to TC's Removable Districts mod for original script.
- Please note the district projects provide the same yield per turn as the other district projects. They just cost more and do not award great person points on completion.
- Design Studio: Design Next Generation Visual and Gameplay Effects: Provides Culture every turn.
- Development Studio: Develop Next Generation Games and Tools: Provides Gold every turn.
- Design Studio: Design Half Life 3 (Requires Computers): Completion unlocks the project to Develop Half Life 3.
- Development Studio: Develop Half Life 3 (Requires Computers and Design project): Provides Gold every turn. Awards 2 copies of Half Life 3 Collector's Edition on completion.
- Accounting Department: Create Half Life 3 Hype: Provides a large amount of Gold every turn.
- Convetion Center: Host Convention: Provides Faith every turn.