Better Report Screen (vanilla, R&F) 屏幕报告
截至10.04的新版本3.5 - 巴西葡萄牙语本地化。
支持的语言:英语,Français,Deutsch,Español,日本语(日语),Русский(俄语),Polski,한국어/조선말(韩语),汉语/汉语(繁体中文),汉语/汉语(简体中文),PortuguêsdoBrasil 。
- 这是一个新选项卡,列出了所有策略及其在激活时对产量的影响。
- 策略按类型分组,并且有过滤器。
- 还包括万神殿和随从信仰。
- 支持任何新类型的Gov Slots(例如来自Rule with Faith)。
- 这是一个新选项卡,列出所有城市州奖金及其激活后对收益率的影响。
- 分别显示3级影响力和宗主国额奖励。
- “转到城市”功能(单击城市名称)。
- 通过详细的工具提示显示净食物。
- 显示城市焦点标记和城市人口。
- 添加包含详细收益信息的新行。
- 简明建筑和单位费用。
- 此选项卡有许多改进(例如宗教/万神殿图标,忠诚度显示为“每回合变化”,驻军单位,墙壁标记,显示州长的促销)。
- 列出已建区域,使用颜色可视化状态,许多工具提示。
- 各种效果的状态图标以及有关构建的奇迹的信息。
- “转到城市”功能(单击城市名称)。
- 单击单位名称以转到此单位。
- 扩展的促销信息,显示修饰符中的“隐藏”功能。
- 左侧移动的单元(端部转向阻挡)清晰标记。
- 促销标记和带有所有促销名称的工具提示,也适用于间谍和宗教单位,彩色健康值。
- “单位”选项卡中的“查看单位”,“升级单位”功能。
- 如果一个单位占用一个单位,则显示最近的城市和地区图标。
- 按名称,过滤器,视觉改进进行排序。
- CIVITAS City-States Expanded,
- Rule with Faith,
- Combat and Stacking Overhaul。
1. 不会实施“ 策略”选项卡中的排序。
2.请注意,“ 收益”选项卡中显示的信息可能与游戏中其他位置显示的信息不同。这就是原始的Firaxis代码的工作原理,mod不会改变它。我在常用修饰符中添加了一些缺失的信息,但实现所有修饰符的次数太多了。但是,如果有关于如何更好地改进报告的差异和想法,我将不胜感激。
3. 堆叠政策。政策根据实际的当前收益率计算。由于某些修饰符可能会影响相同的对象,因此可能会出现一些产量可能会计算两次。我还没有遇到过这样的情况,但是有数百个修饰符,很多是在自定义mod中创建的。显然并非所有这些都受到mod的支持。至于现在支持所有香草和R&F政策所需的,以及其他几个相关的政策。
4. 效果不明显。当mod中没有实现效果时,会出现惊叹号。这通常是一个非收益影响,如速度奇迹,获得额外的xp等。你可以基本忽略它,它可以帮助我跟踪需要实现的效果。它应该只出现在不影响转弯率的政策上。如果您发现一个没有正确处理的策略会影响产量的修饰符 - 请告诉我,我将实现对此修饰符的支持。此外,您不需要一次又一次地检查它们,因为它们在每个回合中始终是相同的,每个游戏。它们与游戏内部配置有关,而不是游戏中的当前情况。
5. 政策影响的工具提示产量显示了一些技术信息。它用于调试和测试目的,而不是美学(请注意它不会被本地化)。但是,如果您对游戏引擎的工作原理感兴趣,可能会在那里找到一些有用的信息
.6。扩展的促销信息单位。这里的信息直接来自游戏引擎,并基于实际附加的修饰符。这有点技术性,我尝试使用图标和现有文本以可理解的形式呈现它。请不要报告多次列出的效果(特别是来自伟大的人物) - 这是如何在内部处理,大将军列为伟大的海军上将 - 因为他们共享相同的修饰符和统一的战斗力量所有类型的“力量”(远程,防御等等) - 游戏使用一种类型的修饰符来表示所有这些效果。但是......请报告任何以灰色显示的效果 - 这些效果还需要实施。
7. 随从信仰。对这些信念的计算假设所有城市都遵循实际上具有特定信念的宗教。在真实游戏中,如果并非所有城市都遵循这种宗教信仰,那么最终效果将会更小。这更像是一个“将会是什么”的场景。
- 原始单位和交易选项卡来自G.Miller创建的单位报告屏幕模式。
- 参考资料中的复选框来自CQUI。
- 夜间送讲 - 日本本土化。
- Tyolan - 法国本地化,窗户扩大120px。
- copysoul - 中文本地化。
- RohBang - 韩国本地化。
- Gorlod - 西班牙语本地化。
- Zergus - 俄罗斯本地化。
- Rac - 巴西葡萄牙语本地化。
- Aristos - 更好的单位升级图标功能。
New version 3.5 as of 10.04 - Brazilian Portuguese localization.
Supported languages: English, Français, Deutsch, Español, 日本語 (Japanese), Русский (Russian), Polski, 한국어/조선말 (Korean), 汉语/漢語 (Traditional Chinese), 汉语/漢語 (Simplified Chinese), Português do Brasil.
Adds Policy and City-States impact, Units, Deals and many QoL improvements to the Report Screen. The Report Screen can be toggled on/off using F8.
- This is a new tab, that lists all policies with their impact on yields when activated.
- Policies are grouped by type and there are filters.
- Also includes Pantheons and Follower Beliefs.
- Supports any new types of Gov Slots (e.g. from Rule with Faith).
- This a a new tab, that lists all city-state bonuses with their impact on yields when activated.
- Shows separately 3 levels of influence and suzerain bonus.
- "Go to City" function (click on the city name).
- Displays net food with a detailed tooltip.
- Shows city focus markes and city population.
- Adds new lines with detailed yields information.
- Condensed Building and Units expenses.
City Status
- This tab has many improvements (e.g. religion/pantheon icon, Loyalty shown as "change per turn", garrison unit, walls markers, shows governors' promotions).
- Lists built Districts, uses colors to visualize status, many tooltips.
- Status icons for various effects plus info about built Wonders.
- "Go to City" function (click on City name).
- Click on a unit name to go to this unit.
- Extended promotion info showing "hidden" abilities from modifiers.
- Units with moves left (end-turn-blocking) are clearly marked.
- Promotions markers and a tooltip with all promotion names, also for spies and religious units, colored heath value.
- "View unit", "Upgrade unit" functions in Units tab.
- Shows closest city and district icon if a unit occupies one.
- Sorted by name, Filters, visual improvements.
Works with vanilla game and Rise & Fall expansion. Compatible with:
- CIVITAS City-States Expanded,
- Rule with Faith,
- Combat and Stacking Overhaul.
Important information
1. Sorting in Policies tab will not be implemented.
2. Please be aware that information displayed in Yields tab may be different from information shown in other places in the game. This is just how original Firaxis code works, the mod doesn't change that. I have added some missing information from common modifiers, but there are simply too many of them to implement all. However, I would appreciate posts about such discrepancies and ideas on how to improve the reports even more.
3. Stacking policies. Policies are calculated based on actual, current yields. Because some modifiers may affect the same objects, it might happen that some yields could be calculated twice. I have NOT yet came across such case, but there are hundreds of modifiers, and many are created in custom mods. Obviously not all of them are supported by the mod. As for now all required for vanilla and R&F policies are supported, plus several others related.
3a. Yields for policies that are actually activated may suffer from this effect.
4. Unknown effects. The exclamation sign appears when there is an effect not implemented in the mod. This usually is a non-yield affecting one, like speed wonders, get extra xp, etc. You can ignore it basically, it helps me tracking which effects needs to be implemented. It should appear ONLY for policies NOT affecting per-turn-yields. If you find a policy that is NOT processing correctly a modifier that DOES affect yields - let me know and I will implement support for this modifier. Also, you don't need to check them again and again because they are the same all the time, each game, in every turn. They are related to the game internal configuration, not your current situation in the game.
5. The tooltip for a policy impact yields shows some technical information. It is intended for debugging and testing purposes, not aesthetics (be aware that it will not be localized). However, if you are interested how the game engine works, you might find some useful info there
6. Extended promotions info in Units. Information here comes directly from game's engine and is based on actual attached modifiers. It is a bit technical, I try to present it in an understandable form using icons and existing texts. Please do not report effects listed multiple times (especially from Great People) - this how they are internally handled, Great Generals listed as Great Admirals - because they share the same modifiers and unified combat strengh for all types of "strength" (ranged, defense, etc.) - the game uses one type of modifier for all such effects. But... please report any effects that will appear in grey - these are the ones that need still to be implemented.
7. Follower Beliefs. Calculations for these beliefs assume that all cities are following a religion that actually has the specific belief. In real game, if not all cities are following this religion, the final effect will be ofc smaller. This is more of a "what-would-be" scenario.
7a. There is no Founder nor Enhancer beliefs. Only Pantheons and Followers.
8. The impact from city-state influence is shown as "what-would-be" with a single one, plus in brackets the actual impact as in current game situation (basically the former multiplied by the number of influenced CSs).
- Original Units and Deals tabs are from Unit Report Screen mod, created by G.Miller.
- Checkboxes in Resources are from CQUI.
- nightfearer - Japanese localization.
- Tyolan - French localization, widening the window by 120px.
- copysoul - Chinese localization.
- RohBang - Korean localization.
- Gorlod - Spanish localization.
- Zergus - Russian localization.
- Rac - Brazilian Portuguese localization.
- Aristos - better Unit Upgrade icon functionality.