Anno Domini - Rise and Fall edition 古代世界文明
在这个完全转换模式中扮演十七个古代世界文明之一,涵盖从时间的黎明到罗马帝国的沦陷; 请注意,如果您已下载这些mod,则可以播放其他文明 - 请参阅正在添加的文明的更新。
该mod包含许多自定义资产,包括一些专门为mod创建的古代单位; 下面的图片中有一些。
请访问Civilization VI创建和自定义论坛中的Anno Domini部分进行讨论 - 您可以通过单击右侧的“讨论此资源”按钮立即访问该部分。
Play as one of seventeen ancient world civilizations in this total conversion mod, covering from the Dawn of Time to the fall of the Roman Empire; note that additional civilizations can be played if you have those mods downloaded - see the updates for those civilizations being added.
The mod contains a number of custom assets, including some ancient units created specifically for the mod; a few are in the picture below.
Please visit the Anno Domini section within the Civilization VI Creation and Customisation forum to discuss - you can get there immediately by clicking the "discuss this resource" button to the right.