这个mod能将萝葡改变成你喜欢的棕色或黑色的马(或者想要永远保持罗奇棕色或黑色)。 我已经创造了75个新的皮肤颜色,更多的萝葡供你选择,以及新的眼睛,马蹄,和尾巴。 选择你的最爱!
1. To begin, download your choice of Solid, Dapple, Pinto, Wild, or Special manually. Extract the folder wherever you want, location doesn't matter yet. You will need something like WinRar or 7Zip for extraction.
2. Now look inside the extracted folder, find the "images" folder, and choose the color from inside it that you want for your horse. Look at the number in the file name and remember it.
3. Next, look in the "mod" folder and find the corresponding number.
4. Copy the whole folder with the number you chose (not just the content files inside, but the whole "modFera_Roach0#_##" folder) and paste it into your The Witcher 3\Mods folder.
5. Now, look in the "DLC" folder, copy and paste "Feras_Roach[Color]DLC" into your The Witcher 3\DLC folder.
6. Start the game, it is best to load a save where you aren't riding or near Roach, then call her. Happy riding!