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文明6MOD Menander I leads Indo-Greece in this Mod of Civilization 印度

文明6MOD Menander I leads Indo-Greece in this Mod of Civilization 印度



发布日期:2023-06-03 12:01:08更新日期:2024-04-04 13:00:04







Menander I leads Indo-Greece in this Mod of Civilization

印度 - 希腊王国

领袖/ Menander I

文明特征/ 莲花亚历山大


领导特质/ 战争

远程,骑兵和战车部队从杀戮中获得伟大的先知点数。在研究骑马技术时获得Haathi Savar Unique单位。

文明独特的单位/ Thureophoros

印度 - 希腊独特的古代时代单位取代了弓箭手。它忽略了控制区域并且更加坚固,但只有1个范围。

领导者独特单位/ Haathi Savar

当Menander I是他们的领导者时,印度 - 希腊独特的Classica Era Unit。信仰是通过本单位杀死而获得的。它使用骑马技术解锁。

Unique Building / Stupa



这是印度 - 希腊文明的第一版。这个文明是完全可玩的!

印度 - 希腊王国有点悖论。尽管通过战争统治和征服,印度 - 希腊混合了希腊哲学和印度神学,以产生通常所说的玛雅那佛教。凭借你早期的机动性和宗教发展的来源,印度 - 希腊有能力将残酷的早期游戏变成一个和平和可防御的宗教力量。尽管梅南德认为他的军队本质上是防御性的,但这可能会很快被你的邻居所打动。凭借您独特的单位,您可以迅速罢工或扭转外国冲击的潮流。建立你的Stupas以确保你总能拥有将军来保卫




将文件解压缩到Documents \ My Games \ Sid Meier的Civilization VI \ Mods目录中

为了使Art正常工作,将“ DreadHerring的图标 ” 的内容解压缩到

程序文件(x86)/ Steam / Steamapps / Common / Sid Meier的CIVILIZATION VI中/ Base / Assets / UI / Icons

为了让模型正确显示,“ DreadHerring的Artdefs ”档案的内容应该被复制到

Program Files(x86)/ Steam / Steamapps / Common / Sid Meier的CIVILIZATION VI / Base / ArtDefs /











The Indo-Greek Kingdom

Leader / Menander I

Civilization Trait / Lotus of Alexandria

Encampment Districts receive a +1 Faith adjacency bonus for being adjacent to Jungle, Oasis, and Floodplains tiles.Units have +1 movement when starting in friendly territory.

Leader Trait / Procinct for War

Ranged, Cavalry and Chariot Units earn Great Prophet Points from Kills. Gain the Haathi Savar Unique unit when they research the Horseback Riding technology.

Civilization Unique unit / Thureophoros

Indo-Greek unique Ancient Era Unit that replaces the Archer. It ignores zones of control and is a little more sturdy, but only has a range of 1.

Leader Unique unit / Haathi Savar

Indo-Greek unique Classica Era Unit when Menander I is their leader. Faith is earned from kills with this unit. It is unlocked with the Horseback Riding Tech.

Unique Building / Stupa

A building unique to Indo-Greece for Religious and Military Development. It provides +1 Amenity to the city where it is built, unlike the Temple which it replaces. It produces Great General Points instead of Great Prophet Points.


This is the first edition of the Indo-Greek civilization. This civilization is fully playable!

The Indo-Greek Kingdom was somewhat of a paradox. Although ruled and conquered through war, Indo-Greece mixed Greek philosophy and Indian theology to give birth to what is commonly known as Mayahana Buddhism. With your early mobility and sources of religious growth, Indo-Greece is capable of turning a brutal early game into a peaceful and defensible religious power. Although Menander I considered his armies as defensive in nature, that might can quickly be turned on your neighbors. With your unique units, you can strike quickly or turn back the tide of foreign onslaughts. Build your Stupas to ensure that you will always have Generals on hand to defend

I'll be updating this once we get the SDK, and I'll be looking to add alternate leaders in the near future.


Installation Instructions

Unzip the files into your Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization VI\Mods directory

In order for Art to work correctly, Unzip the contents of "DreadHerring's Icons" into

Program Files(x86)/Steam/Steamapps/Common/Sid Meier's CIVILIZATION VI/Base/Assets/UI/Icons

In order for models to display properly the contents of the "DreadHerring's Artdefs" Archive should be copied into

Program Files(x86)/Steam/Steamapps/Common/Sid Meier's CIVILIZATION VI/Base/ArtDefs/

This will replace the current files to accommodate my icons, so backing up your files is always recommended. 

The most current version of all my mods contain the same collection of icons and artdefs. A copy from any mod will suffice for the others.

This is a workaround for a lack of an SDK, and a copy of the files without my modifications is supplied should the original files be desired.



Mod formatting thanks to @Rob (R8XFT)

Thanks to @mbl for pointing me towards the icon fix and providing me with the tools needed to insert building and unit art into the game!


Known Issues:

You will continue to get Great Prophet Points long after you receive a Great Prophet. This is a part of the base game as nothing currently curtails the collection of Great Prophet Points.






