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辐射4MOD Female Super Mutant Redux 雌性超级变种人

辐射4MOD Female Super Mutant Redux 雌性超级变种人



发布日期:2023-06-05 12:38:37更新日期:2024-03-25 11:52:56







Female Super Mutant Redux 雌性超级变种人

HarmonicaBlues创建了替换文件,将所有突变体转换为具有mod 女性超级突变体的女性版本。权限设置为“我不在乎,用它做你想做的事!” 所以我已经拍摄了艺术和声音文件并为它们创建了适合Super Mutant Redux的新记录。目前的设置使大约20%的超级突变体为“雌性”。

来自女性超级突变体的文件包括重新加工所有超级突变体香草盔甲以适应新的身体。Super Mutant Redux为香草盔甲做了很多改变和选择,所以我不得不做出一些妥协。一般来说,SMR有轻型,中型和重型版本的装甲,香草看起来最像重型装甲。当对女性而言,所有3种类型的躯干和腿部看起来都是一样的。手臂和头盔似乎主要适合女性身体,所以使用男性版本。至少有一个没有香草等效的腿模型,因此使用男性版本并剪裁结果。SMR称之为霸王胸甲的香草盔甲风格3还有一个女性版本,但它仍然不适合。改变护甲不在我目前的技能组合中,所以你得到了HarmonicaBlues提供的内容。




最后使用的主要技术是将女性添加到LCharMutantVoices Leveled NPC列表中。SMR将此列表从3的大小更改为153个条目的大小。为了让女性以20%的速度出现,我需要再添加30条记录。我已经读过长水平列表会产生问题所以我所做的就是根据面部纹理将列表分解为类别。


对Super Mutant Redux的修复:

我使用Super Mutant Redux 2.5版完成了我的工作。随着我经历的所有迭代失败,我做了很多超级突变体的产卵测试。我还通过FO4Edit查看了很多SMR的记录。在这个过程中我发现了一些错误。




设置为使用香草面部纹理的许多NPC记录使用高分辨率“MadMax”身体纹理。结果是,如果你使用像Supermutant Re-texture这样的东西替换香草超级突变体纹理, 你会在脸部和身体之间产生奇怪的不匹配。这对我来说很重要,所以我可以让雌性超级突变体使用比香草更好的质地而不必自己制作一个(这看起来不太好)。我不知道我是否修复了这种不匹配的所有情况,但是我已经修复了许多NPC记录。








HarmonicaBlues created replacement files that turns all mutants into a female version with the mod Female Super Mutants. Permission are set as "I don't care, do what you want with it!" so I have taken the art and sound files and created new records for them that fit into Super Mutant Redux. Current settings make about 20% of super mutants as "female".

The files from Female Super Mutants include reworking all the super mutant vanilla armor to fit the new body. Super Mutant Redux makes a lot of changes and options to the vanilla armor so I had to make some compromises. In general SMR has light, medium, and heavy versions of the armor with the vanilla looking most like the heavy. When on a female however all 3 types will look the same for the torso and legs. Arms and head armor appear to mostly fit the female body so the male version is used. Is at least one leg model that had no vanilla equivalent so the male version is used and clipping results. Also the vanilla armor style 3 which SMR calls Overlord Breastplate has a female version but it still does not fit that well. Changing armor is not in my current skill set so you get what HarmonicaBlues provided. Appears to be a lot of currently unused armor models in SMR and if they ever get added that will cause major compatibility issues.

The female super mutants have their own voice files also provided by HarmonicaBlues. This is most of the file size. The art files are just small .nif files.

Internal Technical Stuff:

I have gone through multiple iterations trying to get this to work properly. I have left in some unused records in the esp in case needed in the future. SMR itself has hundreds of unused records.

The final main technique used was to add females to the LCharMutantVoices Leveled NPC list. SMR changed this list from a size of 3 to a size of 153 entries. To get females to appear at a 20% rate I would need to add 30 more records. I have read that long leveled lists create problems so what I did was break up the list into categories based on the face texture.

Melee mutants presented another problem. To get Nightkin to spawn with other melee the LCharMutantVoices record could not be used as the template for Traits for the base spawn NPC. One side effects is none of the melee character ever had the face paints and did not change body type (skinny, fat, muscular). To get females to spawn as melee I have changed the EncSuperMutant0XMelee records to spawn a specific face texture. I tried using a LCharMutantVoices as a template for Traits but found out a level list does not work that far down in the template order. Before level 16 all melee super mutants that are not Nightkin will be female. As you get higher in level will see more of the males with different face textures but they will not have the variety of the ranged super mutants.

Fixes to Super Mutant Redux:

I did my work with version 2.5 of Super Mutant Redux. With all the iterations I went through that failed I did a lot of spawn testing of super mutants. I also looked through a lot of the records of SMR with FO4Edit. In the process I found a number errors.

Art for face paint type 7 exists but the Texture Set records points to the face paint 6. Face paint 7 is a cool effect but is not realistic. I chose to eliminate face paint 7 from the LCharMutantVoices list.

Face paint 5 Texture Set record pointed to the face paint 4. I have corrected this.

The NPC records for face paint 3 all used the face paint 7 Texture Set (which pointed to 6 resulting in face paint 6 used 3 times as much as the others). I have fixed the NPC face paint 3 records to used the face paint 3 texture.

A number of the NPC records that were set to use the vanilla face texture used the high resolution "MadMax" body texture. The result was if you use replace the vanilla super mutant textures with something like Supermutant Re-texture you got an odd mismatch between the face and body. This was important to me so I could get the female super mutants to use a better texture than the vanilla one without having to try to make one myself (which would not look good). I don't know if I have fixed all the cases of this mismatch but I have fixed many NPC records with this problem.

Open Issues:

Artwork changes are not in my area of expertise. I decided to learn a bit about nif editing and made some minor tweaks to the female face from the original Female Super Mutants. Would like to further distinguish it from the male.

Would be nice to have a custom texture for the females so they truly look different than the males.

The female body nif file still has the back of head attached to the rest of the body. Would be nice to change this so decapitation looks better.

All the armor work that SMR did for males could be done for females.

I don't think legendary version of super mutants will show up as females. Beyond that could try to do nightkin, pale, and maybe others as females.

I have not experimented with the fat, skinny, muscular sliders with this model. The height varies from .94 to .99 (compared to 1.0 to 1.09 for the male versions).






