M56 Smartgun Replica
这个上传供任何人根据自己的喜好使用 - 如果他们想要纹理或进行更改。这个模型和外星人电影中着名的武器一样准确。我使用MG42和川崎GPZ 750作为主要参考。这是我向公众免费发布的.fbx文件。我要问的是,有人用它制作了一些很酷的东西。
This upload is for anyone to use to their liking - should they want to texture it or make changes. The model is as accurate as I could have gotten it to the Aliens film's famous weapon. I used the MG42 and Kawasaki GPZ 750 as the primary references. This is a .fbx file I am releasing to the public for free. All I ask is that someone make something cool with it.
I would suggest that it has a special modification that increases VATS accuracy and reduces cost significantly. The model can also potentially be used to create an MG42.