Napjiit随从mod为Riften的The Bee&Barb Inn添加了一个自定义浊音Khajiit随从。
Napjiit拥有所有基本的随从命令。他的库存中有一套盗贼公会盔甲,两个水平的治疗药水和一把铁匕首。他将扩展到你的水平(从1到最大50)。他倾向于赞成近战格斗,可以双重挥动并拥有轻盈的特权 - 所以他不应该掀起任何陷阱!
这是我的第一个mod,我还有很多东西需要学习,所以请谨慎使用这个mod。我已经使用伴随的mod(例如AFT)测试了它,并且许多跟随器mod发生的相同兼容性问题也适用于此处。但是,在AFT之前加载napjiit.esp将允许您使用AFTs Tweak Make Follower命令将Napjiit移植到AFT系统中。重申 - 小心,不要将mod添加到任何重要的保存游戏!
The Napjiit follower mod adds a custom voiced Khajiit follower to The Bee & Barb Inn in Riften.
Napjiit has all the basic follower commands. He comes with a set of thieves guild armor in his inventory, two leveled healing potions and an iron dagger. He will scale to your level (from 1 to a max of 50). He tends to favor melee combat, can dual wield and has the lightfoot perk - so he shouldn't be setting off any traps!
This is my first mod and I still have much to learn so please use this mod with discretion. I have tested it with companion mods such as AFT and the same compatibility issues that occur for many follower mods also apply here. However, loading the napjiit.esp before AFT will allow you to use AFTs Tweak Make Follower command to port Napjiit into the AFT system. To reiterate - be careful and don't add the mod to any important save games!
This mod was created at the request of subscribers who watched the Napjiit roleplay series. Big thanks to them for their encouragement and support!
Legendary Edition Version
Mod introduction video
Watch the Napjiit series