Louder Footsteps 脚步声增大
将内容解压缩到游戏安装位置的MountBlade Warband / Sounds。在Steam中,C:\ Program Files(x86)\ Steam \ steamapps \ common \ MountBlade Warband / Sounds
This mod merely contains modified copies of the original sound files for the footsteps of people and horses. The volume of each was raised by 10 decibels.
The sounds of jumping and moving in water have been untouched.
As I've played, I've been bothered by how enemies can charge up to me and take a swing at me before I can know that they are there. One would think that the sound of a boot or hoof colliding with the ground would be rather noticeable, even in a fight. Instead, those sounds are nearly silent unless they are practically right next to a listener, within swing range. Even then, they can yet be hard to hear.
To install:
Download the zipped file.
Extract the contents to MountBlade Warband/Sounds in your game's install location. In Steam, C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\MountBlade Warband/Sounds
Agree when asked if you want to replace the files.
If human footsteps still aren't loud enough, there is an optional download for those files that are 10 decibels higher than the main files (for a total of +20 decibels).
For your convenience, I've also included the original, unaltered files as an optional download. They can be used to "uninstall," if you change your mind.