- 伦敦大都会警察局
- 2x英国运输警察(黑色版和蓝色版)
- 埃塞克斯警察局
- 西麦西亚警察局
- 警察苏格兰
- 西米德兰兹郡警察局
- 大曼彻斯特警察局
- 兰开夏警察
- 格洛斯特郡警察局
- 泰晤士河谷警察局
- 默西塞德郡警察局
- 莱斯特警察局
- 贝德福德郡警察局
- 德比郡警察局
- 柴郡警察局
- 首先,您需要从以下链接下载ComputerPlus
- 按照ComputerPlus自述文件正确安装ComputerPlus。
- 安装完成后,导航到插件> LSPDFR> ComputerPlus>背景
- 将要使用的MDT屏幕(从英国大型包装)拖到背景中
- 现在导航到插件> LSPDFR> ComputerPlus.ini并打开此文件
- 将预设的所有车辆背景替换为您的屏幕名称
已选择(E.G替换lspd.jpg与Met Police.png)
- 进入游戏并使用指定的热键打开计算机以使用全新的英国MDT。
你最喜欢的警察遗失了吗?在下面发表评论,标记@ thejoshua79,我很乐意添加它。
Thejoshua79's British MDT mega pack for PieRGud's ComputerPlus modification.
Contains 16 screens from British Constabularies from around the UK including:
- London Metropolitan Police
- 2x British Transport Police (Black version and blue version)
- Essex Police
- West Mercia Police
- Police Scotland
- West Midlands Police
- Greater Manchester Police
- Lancashire Police
- Gloucestershire Police
- Thames Valley Police
- Merseyside Police
- Leicester Police
- Bedfordshire Police
- Derbyshire Police
- Cheshire Police
How to install:
- First you will need to download ComputerPlus from the link below
( www#lcpdfr#com/files/file/11453-lspdfr-computer/ )
- Follow the ComputerPlus ReadMe to correctly install ComputerPlus.
- Once installed navigate to Plugins > LSPDFR > ComputerPlus > Backgrounds
- Drag the MDT screen (From the British mega pack) you wish to use into Backgrounds
- Now navigate to Plugins > LSPDFR > ComputerPlus.ini and open this file
- Replace all the vehicle backgrounds preset with the name of the screen you
have chosen (E.G Replace lspd.jpg with Met Police.png)
- Enter into game and use the hotkey assigned to opening the computer to use your brand new British MDT.
Is your favourite Constabulary missing? Drop a comment below, tag @thejoshua79 and I will happily add it.
Feel free to let me know which background is your favourite, any feedback is greatly appreciated!