La Chant du Draco黑暗时代为主题
La Chant du Draco是几个开源mod的汇编,旨在使Calradia更加以黑暗时代为主题。主要变化包括拆除弩和重型装甲马。当然还有相应的单位变化。
- 增加了电影编辑(DOMA_)
- 增加了竞技场大修mod(阿多诺)
- 添加历史城堡Mod(阿多诺)
Bulugha =汤布里奇城
Tevarin =经典Motte&Bailey城堡2
Vyincourd =经典的Motte&Bailey城堡
Dramug =卡莱尔城
堡蒂尔鲍特 =
Llansteffan 城堡Reindi =博马里斯城堡
Grunwalder =康威城堡
- 增加了现实的训练场(linuxman)
- 添加了奥克肖特剑包(Counterpoint391)
- 为Warband添加了更多马(流浪者)
由Morgh的Mount&Blade WB / WFAS编辑所做的
更改:- 将所有马的伤害从切割变为钝
- 将几个非常重的装甲部件(如刻度护甲,板甲等)的丰度设置为0(它们不应该再出售)
- 减少丰度几个重型装甲部件(如板块,精英盔甲等)(它们应该少卖)
- 双手剑和混蛋剑的丰度降低(它们应该卖得少)
- 将战锤改名为Bec de Corbin
- 将所有弩的丰度设置为0(它们不应再被出售)
- 所有添加的马匹平衡
- 使所有单位更加黑暗时代主题
- 更名为雇佣军骑兵来对冲骑士
- 修改了女性佣兵部队树
- 稍微改变了同伴的库存
- 将Alayan改名为CharlemagnedeChâteaudeBouclier(不是基于历史人物的角色)en使他成为一个装备齐全的骑士
- 将所有的国王和领主变为更合适的装备
- 给所有派系领导者10分积分铁器
- 将平民的颜色改为暗紫色
- 将逃兵的颜色改为粉红色(与Khergit不同,仍然不可思议)
- 将无辜者的颜色改为深紫色
- 将Vaegirs的颜色改为蓝色
- 将森林强盗的颜色改为深粉色
- 将山匪的颜色改为深粉色
- 将“水浒传”的颜色改为深粉色
- 将猎人的颜色改为深绿色
- 玩家王国和玩家支持者的颜色变为红色
- 将一单位食物的士兵数量增加到5(来自3)
- 商店中商家增加的资金
- 增加最低和最高雇佣兵数量在酒馆(从3和7到5和25)
- 所有技能的最高等级提高到15级
- 增加锦标赛下注(最低为50,最高为2500)
- 增加锦标赛xp增加至1000
- 增加竞技场近战奖励(获胜奖励为1000)
- 箭头中所有箭头的
数量增加至80 - 增加所有螺栓的数量颤抖至50级
- 增加战斗延续(当你死亡时,你的士兵继续战斗)
- 围攻塔的建造时间
加倍 - 围攻塔运动加倍
- 安装单位工资减少150%(从166%)
- 雇佣兵单位工资减少到120%(从150%)
- 增加的同伴工资乘数增加到3(从2)(他们支付更多)
- 增加的驻军部队工资分配器增加到3(从2)(他们支付更少)
- AI主基础党的规模增加到70级
- 增加了AI领导者每个领域的党员规模增加到20岁
- 增加的AI领主党名称需要减少到20(从25)
- 派系领导人的AI主党规模奖金增加到150(从100)
- 将元帅大小奖金增加到80(从20)
- 每个拥有的城堡增加AI主党大小奖励到30(从20)
- 减少AI主党抓住devider到60(从80) - > AI领主应该拥有大约1/4的大军
- 添加对话框选项以防止你的同伴离开(选择'我们在这家公司中挂起逃兵')
- 将玩家基础派对的大小增加到50(从30开始)
- 领导技能每点增加玩家党派规模增加到10(从5)
- 每个同伴(在TweaKMB中定义为英雄,我不知道是否存在差异)的士气减少到0(从1开始)
- 增加当你成为20岁的国王时,领导技能的每一点士气(从15岁开始)
- 当你不是15岁的时候(从12岁开始)领导技能的每一点士气提高
- 在战斗中被击败后,敌人领主逃脱的机会减少到50 %(从70%)
- 在被捕获之后,敌方领主逃离党的机会减少了30%(从50%)
- 敌人领主逃离没有监狱塔的城镇或城堡的机会减少到15%(从30%) )
- 减少敌人领主从监狱大厦逃离城镇或城堡的机会减少3%(从5%)
- 每个领导层的囚犯最多囚犯数量增加到10(从5开始)
- 小酒馆老板现在能够购买你的囚犯
- 获得逮捕领主的赎金几率增加20%(从5%)
- 你现在可以从名单中选择任务
- 添加“与村长老会合一”按钮到乡村菜单(所以你不要我必须进入村庄与村长说话)
- 在城市菜单上添加了“与公会会员相遇”按钮(所以你不必进入城市与公会长官交谈)
- 大大增加了'移动的间隔'牛'追求
- 减少“劝说领主和平”的间隔时间- 要求1/4
“女士决斗”的间隔减少1/2 - “救援囚犯领主”任务的间隔略微减少
- “护送女士”的间隔
减少1/3 - 减少间隔“以1/3为目标的指挥官 - 任务
- “借出同伴”任务的三倍间隔
- “借出外科医生” 任务的倍增间隔
- 用“1/4”减少“突袭大篷车”任务的间隔
- 建筑物的建造时间成本增加一倍
- 在村庄中增加部队人数(最小3人,最小招募
人数为10人)- 从村庄招兵人员获得高等级部队的几率增加一倍
- 对冲骑士没有靴子
- 一些弩仍然可用
- CharlesdeChâteauBouclier的错误命名
La Chant du Draco is a compilation of several open source mods, intended to make Calradia more Dark Age-themed. Main changes include the removal of crossbows and heavily armoured horses. and of course the corresponding changes to the units.
The only thing I haven't changed (yet) is the crossbow you get at the start of the game. I have searched but the only way I can find to alter this is by using Python and that seems way to complicated (for me at least). I am after all not an experienced modder.
- Added Cinematic Compilation (DOMA_)
- Added Arena Overhaul mod (Adorno)
- Added Historic Castles Mod (Adorno)
Changed by Historic Castles Pack:
Bulugha =Tonbridge Castle
Derchios=Pevensey Castle
Tevarin =Classic Motte & Bailey Castle 2
Senuzgda=York Castle / Clifford's Tower
Vyincourd =Classic Motte & Bailey Castle
Dramug =Carlisle Castle
Tilbaut =Llansteffan Castle
Reindi =Beaumaris Castle
Grunwalder =Conwy Castle
- Added realistic training fields (linuxman)
- Added Oakeshott Sword Pack (Counterpoint391)
- Added More Horses for Warband (wanderer)
Changes made by Morgh's Mount & Blade WB/WFAS Editor:
- Changed all horse charge damage from cut to blunt
- Set abundance of chargers and warhorses to 0 (they shouldn't be sold anymore)
- Set abundance of several really heavy armour parts (like scale gauntlets, plate armour, etc) to 0 (they shouldn't be sold anymore)
- Lowered abundance of several heavy armour parts (like coat of plates, elite armours, etc) (they should be sold less)
- Lowered abundance of two-handed swords and bastard swords (they should be sold less)
- Renamed warhammer to Bec de Corbin
- Set abundance of all crossbows to 0 (they shouldn't be sold anymore)
- All added horses balanced
- Made all units more dark age-themed
- Renamed mercenary cavalry to hedge knights
- Revised the woman mercenary troop tree
- Slightly changed companions inventory
- Renamed Alayan to Charlemagne de Château de Bouclier (character not based on the historical person) en made him a fully equiped knight
- Changed all kings and lords to more appropriete equipment
- Gave all faction leaders 10 points in ironflesh
Changes made by TweakMB:
- Cattle follows you
- Changed colour of commoners to dark purple
- Changed colour of deserters to pink (still noticible different from the Khergit)
- Changed colour of innocents to dark purple
- Changed colour of Vaegirs to blue
- Changed colour of Forest Bandits to dark pink
- Changed colour of Mountain Bandits to dark pink
- Changed colour of Outlaws to dark pink
- Changed colour of manhunters to dark green
- Changed colour of merchants to light green
- Changed colour of player's kingdom and player's supporters to red
- Increased number of soldier feed by one unit of food to 5 (from 3)
- Increased money available by merchants in stores
- Increased minimum and maximum mercenaries available in taverns (to 5 and 25 from 3 and 7)
- Increased maximum level of all skills to level 15
- Increased tournament bet ammounts (lowest is 50, highest is 2500)
- Increased tournament xp gain to 1000
- Increased arena melee rewards (reward for winning is 1000)
- Increased amount of all arrows in quivers to 80
- Increased amount af all bolts in quivers to 50
- Added battle continuation (when you die, your soldiers keep on fighting)
- Doubled the build time off siege towers
- Doubled the siege towers movement
- Decreased mounted units wage to 150% (from 166%)
- Decreased mercenary units wage to 120% (from 150%)
- Increased companions wage multiplier to 3 (from 2) (they are paid more)
- Increased garrisoned troops wage devider to 3 (from 2) (they are paid less)
- Increased AI Lord base party size to 70
- Increased AI Lord party size increase per point in leadership to 20
- Increased AI Lord party size renown needed decreased to 20 (from 25)
- Increased AI Lord party size bonus for faction leaders to 150 (from 100)
- Increased AI Lord party size bonus for marshalls to 80 (from 20)
- Increased AI Lord party size bonus per owned castle to 30 (from 20)
- Decreased AI Lord party seize devider to 60 (from 80) -> AI Lords should have around 1/4 bigger armies
- Added dialog option to prevent your companions from leaving (choose 'We hang deserters in this company')
- Increased player base party size to 50 (from 30)
- Increased player party size increase per point in leadership skill to 10 (from 5)
- Decreased morale lost per companion (defined as hero in TweaKMB, I don't know if there is difference) in party to 0 (from 1)
- Increased morale per point in leadership skill when you are king to 20 (from 15)
- Increased morale per point in leadership skill when you are not king to 15 (from 12)
- Decreased chance of enemy lord escaping after having been defeated in battle to 50% (from 70%)
- Decreased chance of enemy lord escaping from party after having been captured to 30% (from 50%)
- Decreased chance of enemy lord escaping from a town or castle without a prison tower to 15% (from 30%)
- Decreased chance of enemy lord escaping from a town or castle wit a prison tower to 3% (from 5%)
- Increased max amount of prisoners in party per leadership point to 10 (from 5)
- Tavern keepers are now able to buy your prisoners
- Increased chance of getting a ransom offer for a captured lord to 20% (from 5%)
- You are now able to choose quests from a list
- Added 'Meet with village Elder'-button to village menu (so you don't have to enter the village to speak to the village elder)
- Added 'Meet with guildmaster'-button to city menu (so you don't have to enter the city to speak to the guildmaster)
- Greatly increased interval for the 'move cattle'-quest
- Decreased interval for the 'persuade lords to make peace'-quest with 1/4
- Decreased interval for the 'duel for lady'-quest with 1/2
- Slightly decreased interval for the 'rescue prisoner lord'-quest
- Decreased interval for the 'escort lady'-quest with 1/3
- Decreased interval for the 'incriminate commander'-quest with 1/3
- Tripled interval for 'Lend companion'-quest
- Doubled interval for 'Lend surgeon'-quest
- Decreased interval for 'raid caravan'-quest with 1/4
- Doubled build time cost for buildings
- Increased troops avaliable in villages (minimal 3, maximum for small recruitment is 10)
- Doubled the chance of getting higher-tier troops when recruiting from villages
Known issues/bugs:
- Hedge Knights have no boots
- Some crossbows are still available
- Charles de Château Bouclier's named wrongly
These issues will be corrected today or tomorrow (depends on how much time I have).