这是Perseid9非常流行的Mod Realistic Needs and Diseases的新版本。 Perseid9于2014年7月3日结束了对他的Mod的支持。从那时起,Mod尚未更新,也未得到维护或支持。我抱有很大的希望,perseid9会回来并继续他的工作,但现在经过一年多的时间,我已经放弃了他回来的所有希望。 Perseid9使他的Mod成为公共领域,因此我负起了自己的责任,继续推行可能是最好,最方便的Needs Mod。 Perseid9,如果您阅读本文并且您不同意我的采用,请告诉我,我将交出源代码,包括我已完成的小部件和MCM菜单上的所有工作。
- 添加了对饥饿,口渴,睡眠和醉酒的小部件支持,它们可以是静态的,热键的或自动褪色的,它们也有两种颜色变化
- 所有小部件都可在MCM菜单中配置:位置,大小,透明度,打开/关闭
- 为简单的小部件预设保存/加载添加了FISS支持
- 为小部件配置自动更新间隔
- 你可以在任何井,槽和水轮上填充你的waterkins /瓶子
- 旅行者在购买饮料时会做出明智的反应
- 热键功能,以定制其他Mods的食物...只需将食物项目放在地板上,将鼠标悬停在按下热键
- 一个MCM切换功能,消除饥饿和睡眠中令人讨厌的携带重量惩罚...如果你更喜欢欺骗痛苦......;)
- 增加功能,允许在所有篝火,余烬和各种其他火源上烧烤食物(肉,韭菜,土豆)
- 一个功能齐全的重量系统...你会根据你的饮食在视觉上松散/增加体重,这与Pumping Iron很好地搭配...你还会得到一个重量小部件显示你的身材
- 添加了基于热键的“休息”功能,取代了香草等待系统...你将恢复健康,并且快速减半...为了好玩,我还改编了睡眠/等待
- 来自雨水或雪源的水......这让你感到恶心,不再问......这是一种不显眼和不切实际的东西,因为它可以得到......水槽是一个例外,因为你可以看到人们经常在使用水槽时将水倒入水槽中Mod就像身临其境的公民......所以他们实际上补充了河水
- 吃,喝,睡觉的自动化...然后为什么需要mod?如果你不能为自己提供食物,那么需要mods可能不是你的一杯茶...我实际使用的原因之一就是我必须与食物互动以保持活力......自动化这样的过程只是胡说八道
- 随从/马需要......不应该是个人需求模式的特征...这将转移到我的随从mod中,几乎是因为我的随从mod已经具有工资特征,而且因为我吝啬具有随从/动物食物特征的东西... RNAD总是关于个人需求并将保持这种方式
4. SkyUI
5.(可选)[www#nexusmods#com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/13956] FISS [/ url]保存小部件预设
检查'RealisticNeedsAndDiseases.esp'。如果您使用Wrye Bash,请制作
2.将.esp和.bsa文件'RealisticNeedsAndDiseases'移动到'x:... SkyrimData'文件夹。
3.启动Skyrim时,单击数据文件,并确保选中“RealisticNeedsAndDiseases.esp”。如果您使用Wrye Bash,请制作
启动mod时,您将获得“Check Needs”电源,因此您可以将其绑定到热键以进行快速检查。您还可以启用调试模式
暴食 - 我吃得太多了。速度-30%。
饱足 - 健康,耐力再生+ 10%。
Peckish - 准备好吃零食。 (没有奖金或负面影响)
饥饿 - 健康,耐力再生-30%。
非常饥饿 - 健康,耐力再生-60%。偷偷摸摸的难度要高25%。攻击力降低-25%。
饥饿 - 健康,耐力再生-90%。携带重量-50。攻击伤害-50%。
Food Spoilage:如果启用,这个mod将跟踪玩家库存中的食物项目,你可以配置每种类型的食物需要多长时间来破坏,你也可以收集(25%几率)霉菌和腐烂的肉类,以及在炼金术中使用它们。
淬火 - 魔力,耐力再生+ 10%。
有点口渴 - 准备喝一杯。 (没有奖金或负面影响)
口渴 - Magicka,耐力再生-30%。
非常口渴 - Magicka,耐力再生-60%。喊叫之间的时间+ 25%。法术效率降低25%。
脱水 - Magicka,耐力再生-90%。喊叫之间的时间+ 50%。法术效率降低50%。
好/休息 - 与香草相同
有点累 - 准备小睡了。 (没有奖金或负面影响)
累了 - 携带重量-30,技能提高25%。
很累 - 携带重量-60。技能提高50%。速度-20%。
疲惫 - 携带重量-90,技能提高75%。速度-30%。
狼人将获得一个“不安定的野兽”阶段,只是为了让它保持友好:你必须睡足够的时间才能完全休息。没有必要连续睡几个小时,如果你醒来还累,你可以回去再打个盹。 “脏床单”疾病的机会实际上是基于位置的,而不是您使用的床单。名称本身有点误导。因为如果这个地方很脏,那么一旦你将它扔到地板上,你的床单就注定会变脏。 ;)避免像地下城,土匪营地,动物窝点等地方,选择一个干净的地方,你会没事的。
饱足或吃得多的时候。减肥会对你的“身体”力量产生影响,因为你在训练或肌肉发达时可能会更好地抵抗打击。这与Pumping Iron非常相配。可以在MCM菜单中关闭和打开。它默认是关闭的。小部件和文本通知以千克为单位反映您的体重,在MCM中,它以单位计算。 1千克== 2个单位。重量变化会产生影响。
肌肉 - 你非常强壮和身体抵抗力,但你的耐力和速度很低
受过训练 - 你很健康,耐心和耐力
结实 - 你很健康,非常耐心和快速
纤细的 - 你在力量和阻力方面的速度提高,你的耐力很好
瘦 - 你没有抵抗力和强壮,但你的速度和敏捷性是无与伦比的
清醒 - 我很清醒。 (没有奖金或负面影响)
头晕 - 好东西,有点头晕。非武装伤害+5,伤害抗性+10。
醉 - 我的头在旋转。非武装伤害+10,言语-15,魔法再生-15,法术效率降低50%,持续时间-50%。
浪费 - 我完全被浪费了...... Magicka和Stamina再生-25,法术效率降低85%,持续时间-85%。
停电 - 当场击倒你,只是在4小时后醒来头部旋转。
露营装备:这个mod提供了一套基本的露营装备,包括帐篷,床单,火药箱和烹饪锅。露营设备可以制作,也可以从一般商家购买。床单可以单独使用,也可以带帐篷使用。使用时,将其放在地板上,潜行激活以打开床单。要使用床单放置帐篷,您必须同时拥有Traveller's Tent和Bedroll的库存,然后将帐篷摊开。放下它,潜行激活到球场,一张婴儿床将自动放入帐篷内。要建立一个篝火,你必须至少有3个柴火和一个火药箱。放下火药箱,潜行激活,营造篝火。如果您有库存的铸铁锅,也会在火炉旁放置一个烹饪锅。营火持续6个小时,你可以激活火来添加更多的柴火,添加/移除烹饪锅,或偷偷激活它以灭火。如果无人看管,篝火会烧坏,然后在24小时后自行移除。
饥饿:贪食(0) - 饱食(5) - 啄食(30) - 饥饿(60) - 非常饥饿(120) - 饥饿(240)(上限240)
口渴:猝死(0) - 口渴(40) - 口渴(80) - 非常口渴(160) - 脱水(240)(上限240)
睡眠:好/休息(0) - 有点累(30) - 累了(60) - 很累(120) - 疲惫(240)(上限240)
Inebriation:Sober(0) - Dizzy(30) - 醉酒(60) - 浪费(90) - 停电(150)(上限150)
例如,默认值为10,这意味着,当您喝一瓶蜂蜜酒时,它会使您的酒精点数增加10(实际数量在游戏中从瓶子到瓶子会略有不同),当您的酒精点数达到30(约3 meads),你有点醉意,在60(6个米德之后)你喝醉了。因此,如果您将值从10降低到5,您可以喝大约。在喝醉之前有12个蜂蜜酒。
热键:如果你有SKSE,这个mod还会为Check Needs <默认N>和饮用来自流<默认B>添加热键,如果你想要清空一个瓶子或者没有喝水内容,突出库存中的瓶/酒,然后打B;密钥可在MCM中配置。
- 添加了对饥饿,口渴,睡眠和醉酒的小部件支持,它们可以是静态的,热键的或自动褪色的,它们也有两种颜色变化
- 所有小部件都可在MCM菜单中配置:位置,大小,透明度,打开/关闭
- 为简单的小部件预设保存/加载添加了FISS支持
- 为小部件配置自动更新间隔
- 你可以在任何井,槽和水轮上填充你的waterkins /瓶子
- 旅行者在购买饮料时会做出明智的反应
- 热键功能,以定制其他Mods的食物...只需将食物项目放在地板上,将鼠标悬停在按下热键
- 一个MCM切换功能,消除饥饿和睡眠中令人讨厌的携带重量惩罚...如果你更喜欢欺骗痛苦......;)
- 增加功能,允许在所有篝火,余烬和各种其他火源上烧烤食物(肉,韭菜,土豆)
- 一个功能齐全的重量系统...你会根据你的饮食在视觉上松散/增加体重,这与Pumping Iron很好地搭配...你还会得到一个重量小部件显示你的身材
- 添加了基于热键的“休息”功能,取代了香草等待系统...你将恢复健康,并且快速减半......为了好玩,我还改编了睡眠/等待菜单以允许更大的沉浸感
- 来自雨水或雪源的水......这让你感到恶心,不再问......这是一种不显眼和不切实际的东西,因为它可以得到......水槽是一个例外,因为你可以看到人们经常在使用水槽时将水倒入水槽中Mod就像身临其境的公民......所以他们实际上补充了河水
- 吃,喝,睡觉的自动化...然后为什么需要mod?如果你不能为自己提供食物,那么需要mods可能不是你的一杯茶...我实际使用的原因之一就是我必须与食物互动以保持活力......自动化这样的过程只是胡说八道
- 随从/马需要......不应该是个人需求模式的一个特征......这将转移到我的随从mod中,几乎是因为我的随从mod已经有了工资特征,而且因为我正在刨跟随者/动物食品特征的巨大事物... RNAD总是关于个人需求并将保持这种方式
5.对于依赖于此的Mods是否存在任何问题,他们仍会将其视为主人吗? LOOT如何对待它?
Sabre Gear BackpackTreasureChest和DVAted是最慷慨的,允许我使用他们的背包里的水刀,将它从包装中撕下来是一种耻辱,所以如果你还没有使用背包,请下载并认可他们的精彩工作;)
MannyGT非常友好地允许我使用喷泉。请不要忘记支持喷泉! :)
Logo by starfis, Thank you starfis!
Please, to honour my efforts and future endeavours, endorse the Mod!
This is a new and updated version of the very popular Mod Realistic Needs and Diseases by Perseid9. Perseid9 ended support for his Mod on 3/07/2014. Since then the Mod has not been updated, nor has it been maintained or supported. I had high hopes perseid9 would return and continue his work, but now after more then 1 year, I've abandoned all hope for him to return. Perseid9 made his Mod public domain, and so I took the responsibility to step in his shoes and continue what might be the best and most convenient Needs Mod ever. Perseid9, if you read this and you disagree with my adoption, let me know and I'll hand over the source code including all the work on the widgets and MCM menu I've done.
Difference to original version
Version 2.2+ has:
- added widget support for hunger, thirst, sleep and inebriation, they can be static, hotkeyed and or auto-fading, they also come in two color variations
- all widgets are configurable in the MCM menu: position, size, transparency, turn on/off
- added FISS support for easy widget preset save/load
- configure auto update interval for widgets
- you can fill your waterskins/bottles on any well, troughs and waterwheels
- innkeepers will respond verbaly when buying drinks
- hotkey feature to customize food from other Mods...simply drop the fooditem to the floor, hover the mouse over and press the hotkey
- a MCM toggle feature to remove the nasty carry weight penalty on hunger and sleep...if you prefer cheating over suffering...;)
- added feature to allow grilling food (meat, leek, potatoe) on all campfires, embers and various other firesources
- a fully functional weight will visually loose/gain weight based on your diet, this plays nicely with Pumping will also get a weight widget showing your stature
- added hotkey based "resting" feature, replacing the vanilla wait will regen health and get tired half as fast...for fun I also adapted the sleep/wait
menu to allow for greater immersion
Things you will not see in this Mod!
- water from rain or snow sources...this makes you sick, stop asking...this is unimmersive and unrealistic as it can get...troughs are an exception as you can see people will frequently put water in troughs when using a Mod like immersive they get actually refilled with river water
- automation of eating, drinking, sleeping...then why do a needs mod? if you can't be bothered to feed yourself, needs mods are likely not your cup of one of the reasons I'm using actually is I have to interact with food in order to stay automate such a process is just nonsense
- follower/horse needs...not supposed to be a feature of a personal needs mod...this will go inside my follower mod instead, pretty much because my follower mod already has a wage feature, and also because I'm planinghuge things with the follower/animal food feature...RNAD always was about personal needs and will stay this way
What's planed for future versions?
With the newest version 2.2 no further plans are made. If you bring good ideas on topic I will implement them. I will continue support in future and will also squish bugs I find or those you report. Patches for food mods are virtually obsolete with the new food customization feature. I will continue to raise compatibility in future updates.
1. Skyrim Special Edition with most actual patch
2. Unofficial SSE Patch
4. SkyUI
5. (optional) [www#nexusmods#com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/13956]FISS[/url] to save widget presets
I highly recommend the following Mods for higher immersion, realism and survival content added:
Bathing in Skyrim
Real Wildlife
How to Install:
Installation with Manager:
1. Press download with Manager button on the Nexus and confirm the requested programm
2. Once downloaded open up NMM and click the mods tab to import the RealisticNeedsAndDiseases.7z
3. After installation enable the plugin files in your prefered reorder tool or in data files when starting up Skyrim
4. When starting Skyrim, click on data files, and make sure the
'RealisticNeedsAndDiseases.esp' is checked. If you use Wrye Bash, make
sure the file is activated and your load order corrected. Use LOOT to automatically get the correct load order.
5. Play the Game!!!
Manual Installation:
1. Unzip the files anywhere
2. Move the .esp and .bsa file 'RealisticNeedsAndDiseases' to your 'x:...SkyrimData' folder.
3. When starting Skyrim, click on data files, and make sure the 'RealisticNeedsAndDiseases.esp' is checked. If you use Wrye Bash, make
sure the file is activated and your load order corrected. Use LOOT to automatically get the correct load order.
4. Run Skyrim!!!
Basic Needs:
When you start the mod, you will gain a “Check Needs” power, so you can bind it to a hotkey for quick checking. You can also enable debug mode to
have it display needs points. There are the needs hunger, thirst, sleep and the effect of inebriation. Hunger has 6 stages, all other effects have 5 stages. You will need to eat, drink and sleep in order to survive. Drinking alcohol will get you drunk. Suffering from any form of impairment due to hunger, thirst, sleep or
inebriation, will lower your attributes/stats and have visual effects. The effect stages are:
Hunger has 6 stages:
Gluttony - I have eaten too much. Speed -30%.
Satiated - Health, stamina regeneration +10%.
Peckish - Ready for a snack. (no bonus or negative effect)
Hungry - Health, stamina regeneration -30%.
Very Hungry - Health, stamina regeneration -60%. Sneak is 25% harder. Attack damage -25%.
Starving - Health, stamina regeneration -90%. Carry Weight -50. Attack Damage -50%.
Eating and drinking animations when you eat/drink:Animations are disabled automatically while playing in first person view. New and modified recipes, alternative texture for stews.There is 15% chance eating raw food will catch diseases. Stale/spoiled food not only tastes disgusting, but will also give you diseases. Food items in barrels, sacks have been greatly reduced, and most of them you do find will be stale. Some large food items like cheese wheels will provide several servings, you don't finish the whole thing in one bite. You can also grill basic food on any campfire, fireplace and ember. Grillable food is: any meat, leek and potatoes.
For cooking: you need to convert bottled water into plain “water” (flagon), I did this so I don't have to duplicate recipes for different types of water
containers. Water conversion gives you empty bottles back. Many innkeepers now also stock everyday cooking ingredients, things like salt, garlic, honey, chicken eggs, elves ears, frost mirriam, etc.
Food Spoilage: if enabled, this mod will keep track of food items in player inventory,you can configure how long it takes for each type of food to spoil, youcan also collect (25% chance) molds and rotten flesh from those spoiledjunk, and use them in alchemy.
Seawater: If you run out of salt, you can collect seawater using empty bottles along the coastline, boiling seawater gives you salt.
Thirst has 5 stages:
Quenched- Magicka, stamina regeneration +10%.
Slightly Thirsty - Ready for a drink. (no bonus or negative effect)
Thirsty - Magicka, stamina regeneration -30%.
Very Thirsty - Magicka, stamina regeneration -60%. Time between shouts +25%. Spells 25% less effective.
Dehydrated - Magicka, stamina regeneration -90%. Time between shouts +50%. Spells 50% less effective.
Drinking ale/mead or wine will give you empty bottle, any vanilla "empty wine bottle" you pick up will also be converted into reusable ones: You can refill empty bottles and waterskins in any river (stand in water then click the bottle), or you can ask for clean water in inns and taverns. Drinking river water directly can cause diseases, boil before drinking. Spring water (currently only available from drinking fountains) is safe to drink.Herbal Tea will give you +10 speech for 300 seconds, milk is also available if you don't mind being a milk drinker. If you have installed Drinking Fountains of Skyrim, activate the fountain to refill all your empty bottles, or sneak-activate to drink directly from the fountains. You can also get dirty water, which you'll need to boil, from any well, trough and waterwheel. Simply activate it with a empty waterskin or bottle in your inventory. Buying water in Inns is also possible.
Sleep has 5 stages:
Well/Rested - Same as in vanilla
Slightly tired - Ready for a nap. (no bonus or negative effect)
Tired - Carry Weight -30, Skills improve 25% slower.
Very tired - Carry Weight -60. Skills improve 50% slower. Speed -20%.
Exhausted - Carry Weight -90, Skills improve 75% slower. Speed -30%.
Werewolf will get a "Restless Beast" stage instead, just to keep it lore friendly: You must sleep for enough hours to get fully rested. There is no need to sleep consecutive hours though, if you wake up still tired, you can simply go back and take another nap. The "dirty bedroll" disease chance is actually location based, not which bedroll you use. The name itself is a bit misleading. Because if the place is filthy you bedroll is doomed to get dirty once you throw it down on the floor. ;) Avoid locations like dungeons, bandit camps, animal dens etc., pick a clean spot and you will be fine.
If you don't like the carry weight malus on sleep and hunger, you can turn it off inside the MCM menu.
BodyWeight has 5 stages:
Will have a visual impact on your characters body. You will get thinner and loose weight when not eating enough, and get thicker and gain weight
when satiated or eating to much. Loosing weight will have an impact on your "physical" strength as you will likely resist blows much better when trained or muscular. This plays very well with Pumping Iron. Can be toggled off and on in the MCM menu. It's off by default. The widget and text notification reflect your weight in kilograms, in MCM however it's counted in units. 1 kilogramm == 2 units. The weight changewill have the effects statet downside.
Muscular - You're very strong and physically resistant, but your stamina and speed is low
Trained - You're fit, endurant and physically resistant
Wiry - You're fit, very endurant and fast
Slender - You gain on speed what you miss in strength and resistance, your stamina is fine
Skinny - You are not resistant and strong, but your speed and agility is unmatched
Negative Effects:
Inebriation has 5 stages:
Has visual and stumbling effects. You can turn them off in MCM menu.
Sober - I'm sober. (no bonus or negative effect)
Dizzy - Good stuff, just a bit dizzy. Unarmed Damage +5, Damage Resist +10.
Drunk - My head is spinning. Unarmed Damage +10, Speech -15, Magicka regeneration -15, Spells 50% less effective, duration -50%.
Wasted - I'm completely wasted...Magicka and Stamina regeneration -25, Spells 85% less effective, duration -85%.
Blackout - Knocks you out right on the spot, only to wake up 4 hours later head spinning.
Additional Features:
Camping Gear: This mod provides a set of basic camping gear, including tent, bedroll,tinderbox, and cooking pot. The camping equipments are craftable, also available for purchase from general merchants. The bedroll can be used standalone, or with a tent. To use, drop it on the floor, sneak-activateto unpack the bedroll. To pitch a tent with a bedroll, you must have both Traveller's Tent and Bedroll in inventory, then pitch the tent. Drop it, sneak-activate to pitch, a cot will be placed inside the tent automatically. To build a campfire, you must have at least 3 firewoods and a tinderbox. Drop the tinderbox, sneak-activate to build campfire. If you have a Cast Iron Pot in inventory, a cooking pot will be placed by the fire as well. Campfire lasts for 6 hours, you can activate the fire to add more firewoods, add/remove cooking pot, or sneak-activate itto put out the fire. If left unattended, campfire will burn out then remove itself after 24 hours.
Beast Compatibility: This mod is compatible with vampire, werewolves and cannibalism. Vampires have no need for food or water, and werewolves/cannibals feeding will satisfy hunger and thirst.
Progressive Diseases: Diseases are no longer easily ignored nonsense. Initial syndromes are still mild (as in vanilla), but without treatment, things get worse, much worse, over time. Find a cure as soon as possible! But if you can'tafford a cure, you can always rest and hope for the best, there is a chance your body will slowly fight off the disease by itself if you get enough rest. By rest, I mean a clean bed and warm fire, you're likely tocatch more diseases sleeping in a dirty bandit camp!
Disease Fatigue: if enabled, you will get tired more quickly, also can't sleep well whendiseased. Please check for disease effects first if your character suffers sleep disorder.
Configuration: You can configure Hunger/Thirst/Fatigue and weight rate, disease chanceand many other options in game, to better fit your timescale and play style. For whoever wants to do the math, here's the details:
Hunger: Gluttony(0) – Satiated(5) – Peckish(30) – Hungry(60) - Very Hungry (120) - Starving (240) (capped at 240)
Thirst: Quenched(0) - Slightly Thirsty(40) - Thirsty(80) - Very Thirsty(160) - Dehydrated(240) (capped at 240)
Sleep: Well/Rested(0) - Slightly tired(30) - Tired(60) - Very tired(120) – Exhausted(240) (capped at 240)
Take hunger for example, hunger rate 6 means 6 hunger points per game hour, so it takes about 10 hours to go from full to hungry; if you put it on
1, it means 1 hunger point per game hour, that's 24 points a game day, and will take you about 3 days to get hungry. The same applies to thirstand sleep. This mod doesn't rely on timescale, because I use in-game time in scripts, not real time. No matter what timescale you use, a gameday is still 24 game hours. But timescale does affect player perception, how frequently you need to eat and such when you play the game. The weight slider defines the treshold how fast your weight lowers/raises. Lower numbers will increase weight gain/loss.
Inebriation: Sober(0) - Dizzy(30) - Drunk(60) - Wasted(90) - Blackout(150) (capped at 150)
You can adjust alcohol level for weak/normal/strong alcoholic beverages, the higher the value the quicker you get drunk. Take weak alcohol mead
for example, the default is 10, which means, when you drink one bottle of mead, it increases your alcohol points by 10 (the actual number will vary slightly in game from bottle to bottle), when your alcohol points reach 30 (after about 3 meads), you get slightly tipsy, at 60 (after 6 meads) you get drunk. So if you lower the value from 10 to 5, you can drink approx. 12 meads before getting drunk.
Hotkeys: If you have SKSE, this mod also adds hotkeys for Check Needs <default N> and Drink from Stream<default B>, the drink key doubles as “empty” key, if you want to empty a bottle or waterskin without drinking its content, highlight the bottle/wine in inventory, then hit B; the keys are configurable in MCM.
Widget Support: Version 2.2 now features fully customizable HUD Widgets for hunger, thirst, sleep, weight and inebriation. The widgets are text based and will show exactly which current stage of effect you benefit/suffer from.Widgets are entirely configurable from inside the MCM menu. They come in two color variations, and can be set static, hotkey based and/or fading.
Third party Mod food customization: This will work virtually for every Mod that adds food. Define the hotkey inside the MC, then drop the food item to the floor, hover your mouse over the item, and hit the hotkey. This will fire a menu where you can give the food any designation you want it to be: raw food, snack, meal or abundant meal. You can also define beverages and alcoholic beverages.This will not work for the food/drinks that come by default. Once defined you can eat the food just as it was part of RNAD. You will have all the same benefits, and in case of alcohol and raw food, disadvantages.
Resting: You can define a hotkey inside the MCM that will allow you to rest. When resting the character will play an animation and the wait menu gets fired. The wait menu has been modified to allow for greater immersion. Resting will resore all health, which is specifically good when using Mods that turn off auto health regeneration. You will also tire half as fast when resting.
This Mod is not compatible with same type needs/diseases mods of course. You'll also need to load this mod after any other mods that modify vanilla food. Patches of the legacy version will soon arrive.
1. What's the difference between this and the original version?
Version 2.2 has:
- added widget support for hunger, thirst, sleep and inebriation, they can be static, hotkeyed and or auto-fading, they also come in two color variations
- all widgets are configurable in the MCM menu: position, size, transparency, turn on/off
- added FISS support for easy widget preset save/load
- configure auto update interval for widgets
- you can fill your waterskins/bottles on any well, troughs and waterwheels
- innkeepers will respond verbaly when buying drinks
- hotkey feature to customize food from other Mods...simply drop the fooditem to the floor, hover the mouse over and press the hotkey
- a MCM toggle feature to remove the nasty carry weight penalty on hunger and sleep...if you prefer cheating over suffering...;)
- added feature to allow grilling food (meat, leek, potatoe) on all campfires, embers and various other firesources
- a fully functional weight will visually loose/gain weight based on your diet, this plays nicely with Pumping will also get a weight widget showing your stature
- added hotkey based "resting" feature, replacing the vanilla wait will regen health and get tired half as fast...for fun I also adapted the sleep/wait menu to allow for greater immersion
Things you will not see in this Mod!
- water from rain or snow sources...this makes you sick, stop asking...this is unimmersive and unrealistic as it can get...troughs are an exception as you can see people will frequently put water in troughs when using a Mod like immersive they get actually refilled with river water
- automation of eating, drinking, sleeping...then why do a needs mod? if you can't be bothered to feed yourself, needs mods are likely not your cup of one of the reasons I'm using actually is I have to interact with food in order to stay automate such a process is just nonsense
- follower/horse needs...not supposed to be a feature of a personal needs mod...this will go inside my follower mod instead, pretty much because my follower mod already has a wage feature, and also because I'm planing huge things with the follower/animal food feature...RNAD always was about personal needs and will stay this way
What's planed for future versions?
With the newest version 2.2 no further plans are made. If you bring good ideas on topic I will implement them. I will continue support in future and will also squish bugs I find or those you report. Patches for food mods are virtually obsolete with the new food customization feature. I wil continue to raise compatibility in future updates.
2. The Mod doesn't seem to work for me, what should I do?
You are using a conflicting Mod, didn't turned features on in MCM menu, didn't installed it correctly, enabled the Mod on a existing savegame and maybe at the same time removed older versions without appropriate 'clean save' procedure, or did something uncomprehentable for me to fix.
Maybe turn off the Mod in MCM and then turn it back on? I'd also start researching to why this happened in the first place? Added/removed Mods from your Mod list recently? Changed load order recently? Significantly increased the number of used Mods recently? Added a fair amount of texture related eye candy Mods recently?
You see, there's tons of reasons why this happens. Usually it happens because the user did something unexpected.
I'd try fixing this by moving RNAD to the very bottom of the load order andsee if helps. You'd probably need to save once after moving the mod to the bottom, and then see if it helps.
3. Will this work for controllers?
The Pagan's say yes!
4. I'm getting script lag with this. What can I do?
Try increasing the update timer interval in the widget section of the MCM menu.
5. Will there any problems with Mods that depend on this, will they still see it as master? How does LOOT treat it?
Just treat this new version as if it is an update to perseid9's work. No changes to name or plugin ID have been made. Other Mods that had RNAD as master will still detect it as master.
Of course perseid9 deserves all the credit for the original Mod.
Sabre Gear BackpackTreasureChest and DVAted are most generous to allow me use the waterskin from their backpacks, it's a shame to rip it off the pack, so in case you're not already using the backpacks, please download and endorse their wonderfulwork ;)
Drinking Fountains of Skyrim
MannyGT has been very kind to allow me use the fountains. Please don't forget to endorse the fountains! :)