OSP-Classical Italian and Roman items .3 古典意大利和罗马
-Montefortino Plumes已经修复,现在可以用任何颜色着色(使用BRF)。
-Samnite Attic的皮革已经被分配了正确的材料。
- 由于过于饱和的抱怨,有些物品已经变黑了。
-Verutum,Hasta,Etruscan Spear / Javelin,Gallic Spear和Pila已被添加。
- 添加了Triarii Scutum。
迷你更新:添加了40 AD和10 AD ADutums。只需在论坛主页上查看图片即可。
Zimke Zlovoljni-用于帮助提示和纹理。
This doesn't include changes done in the mini update.
-Montefortino Plumes have been fixed and can now be colored any color(by use of BRF).
-Hamata has been rigged and is functional. There exists a few problems with it and those problems will be fixed later.
-Feathers for Samnite Attic have been assigned the right material.
-Some items have been darkened due to complaints of being too saturated.
-Verutum, Hasta, Etruscan Spear/Javelin, Gallic Spear and Pila have been added.
-Gladius has a slight retexture and smoother normal map.
-Xiphos received a new mesh and texture.
-The Triarii Scutum has been added.
Mini Update: The 40 A.D and 10 A.D scutums are added. Just check the forum main page for pictures.
Zimke Zlovoljni- For helping out with tips and texturing.
rgcotl- For texturing and modeling tips(been a ton of help).
Mr.Master- For poly baking tips and aid.
Edit: I am always looking for any assistance in any form. If you have an interest in Gallic, CeltoIberian, Roman, or Italian culture please PM me. I really could use some help.