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骑马与砍杀MOD Lots of New Companions for Warband 派系

骑马与砍杀MOD Lots of New Companions for Warband 派系



发布日期:2023-08-13 10:07:41更新日期:2024-03-25 11:52:56







Lots of New Companions for Warband 派系



Companions v.96 + Diplomacy v3.1

12 Lords&Ladies - 每个灵感来自游戏中的1个派系,其数据基于游戏领主的实际情况,所以他们不会失去游戏的平衡。它们每个都预先装备了特定的未修改(即没有加固/破裂)装备。他们每人花费15000丹尼尔,但这是因为我不希望他们为他们的设备进行养殖。但是,如果你准备好运行自己的王国,你应该建立自己的银行账户。他们的高水平意味着他们在你的军队中相当昂贵,所以他们真正意味着需要有能力的领主的球员王国。


1位主和1位女士 - 国王级(可能更高级)领主和女士 - 比其他人更强大,更昂贵,是理想的元帅材料。成本20000丹纳尔。他们的军队拥有大约180多名男子,所以他们非常糟糕。当他们成为封地主时,他们会获得“元帅”称号(但实际上并不是你军队的元帅。)

28强大的战士 - 基本上就像没有在战斗中死亡的部队,只是被淘汰出局。他们很强壮,但没有成为好领主所必需的技能和属性。

6派对技能大师 - 他们不会花很多钱来招募,但是他们有很高的维持率,因为他们的等级为50级,但他们的等级的战斗力非常低。但是这个游戏似乎给了他们更高的统计数据然后我给他们分配了(我给他们4个力量,当他们出现在游戏中他们有12个由于某种原因)所以他们可以穿着体面的盔甲和装备体面的武器,但他们不会完全具备使用它们的技能和熟练程度。他们的意图是放在你的部队名单的底部,并保持战斗,但更大的战斗规模,这是不可能的。它们也不是为了升级而设计的,因为他们已经在他们的工作中经验丰富。最好的办法是将它们分配给射手组,或者为他们组建一个组并告诉他们在战斗开始时等待。

9名中级领主比原来的领主更便宜,在战斗和领导军队方面不那么有效,但是你可以花时间在他们身上使他们成为更好的附庸,尽管不是100%必要,但是费用6000就是一块。有些人在成为“领主”时会有独特的头衔,所以他们不是“Soandso勋爵”而是“Something Soandso”。








如果你想在其他mod中使用它,请让他们的制造商加入它。或者以某种方式获取python / modsystem文件,你可以自己从这篇文章底部的源代码中添加它们。我不能告诉你如何合并文本文件,因为我不知道文本文件是如何工作的,只有python / modsystem文件。我没有habla二进制文件。






- 增加了5名强大的战士弓箭手

- 增加了4个锦标赛冠军同伴,你也会在锦标赛中看到他们,无论他们是否参加你的派对。

- 添加了7个空白板,角色创建选择字符,它们具有相同的潜力。

- 添加了失踪的剑姐姐强大的战士伴侣。

- 添加了deborah 

- 添加到介绍中,这对于中级领主来说并不是唯一的。

- 给了中级领主/骑士团领主独特的面孔,所以他们并不是那么干净的。

- 增加了在港口城镇购买船只的能力,对于像shariz到sargoth / rivacheg这样的交易可能有用,可能更快/更安全,船只以15的速度移动,尽管目前与船只有很大关系,我有一些想法可以使用沿海的那些小岛屿。

- 但随着商船出租海盗,所以海洋不是完全安全的,它们的大小各不相同,但你也可以尝试成为海盗猎人,因为海盗有各种各样的物品你可以从他们那里收回,他们是最大的强盗派系,有点意味着最后的强盗狩猎。

- 为每个强盗(森林,山地等)添加了两个更高的等级,更好的装备和熟练,但你不会遇到很多。玩家现在更容易找到更好的装备匪徒......海上突袭者仍然是最强大的强盗派系。

- 现在从玩家阵营所拥有的村庄招募的玩家队伍树,目前不是可选的,试图让它成为可选的。信用额度。

- 添加/更换了一些物品,新的投掷短剑和投掷锤子,杆子和杆锤现在像hafter刀片一样工作(马背上好多了)



- 添加了出口/进口同伴。


- Knight Order伴侣现在将玩家称为“Grand Master(playername)” 

- 所有主等级字符给出适当/不同的声誉类型。大多数是善良/正直/恩人/监护人/军事。

- 有些领主和女士们有正确的道德,所以如果你做他们不喜欢的事情,他们就会开始关心。

- 阿古斯蒂娜的背景故事补充道。

- 现在可以从酒馆老板那里招兵买钱。致谢:某人和阿什蒙德

- 自定义玩家派系只有部队(目前只有玩家可以招募他们),可以从小酒馆老板那里获得。

- 你可以从酒馆管理员


- hotfix,nords现在有适当的升级树,招募骑士/外国人的部队,谢天谢地,不需要开始一个新的游戏。


- 合并到主要版本的骑士订单。


- 与1.131原生兼容

- 新同伴现在在招募时属于适当的组,即弓箭手加入射手组,已安装的同伴加入骑兵组。


- 为miura和konrad / ulrich添加了自定义部队树。

- 三浦安进可以从一个“外国”国家招兵,但速度很慢,所以他从每个阵营招募一些农民来弥补他缓慢招募外国军队,因为否则他需要永远拥有因为外国军队非常强大并且他们已经完全升级,所以足够的军队可以冒险出城堡或城镇。

- 增加了6个骑士的Calradia订单。每个订单有两位代表,目前他们只是konrad和Ulrich的克隆人。

- 康拉德和乌尔里希现在属于豹骑士团。

- 添加了一个作弊,允许通过启用cheatmenu的小酒馆门户访问新订单部队。(信用:有人)

- 自定义标题暂时被禁用,因为它们导致人们的名字在成为领主时成为整个段落*耸了耸肩* 


- Miura Anjin已成为“中等领主”,他有一些领导和战术,并且这样做是“不是完全糟糕的“主人。

- Edgardo和Morana给出了背景故事和对话。

- 6名精英武器精通改变以匹配他们的影响(意味着近战家伙没有任何射箭技能等)

- 13名更强大的战士

- 8名中/中级领主,试图测试自定义领主头衔,如howbunduk成为“tribune bunduk” 

- 没有“正确”对话框的伴侣,现在有更好的通用对话框,而不仅仅是“a”或“注册”或“$$$”

- 添加了卡米拉的背景故事,并改变了她以更好地反映她的影响,现在使用弓箭而不是长矛和标枪和木制战斧而不是金属saranid。

- 将辛佳的等级降低到30,因为她是技能大师中最无用的,因为她的技能不是被动地活跃,只有当你派她去做事时。

- Joan和Balbanes在成为领主时现在拥有“Marshall”的称号。


- 增加每个派系最佳单位/专业的伴随版本(副本)(1 inf.2拱3腔)

- 添加了武士伴侣

- 修复了Einar的原始派系

- 增加了5个技能大师

- 完成Cordelia注册对话

- Blanchefleur对话完成

- 琼对话完成


- 添加了其他女士领主。将随着时间的推移完成。

- 领主们以一种称为“仇恨圈子”的方式进行竞争。通过在地图上出现的各个派系画一个大圆圈,你可以看到每个领主讨厌的两个派系。虽然没有添加所有正确的对话框。

- 领主和女士现在喜欢他们各自的对手,即斯瓦迪亚人喜欢斯瓦迪亚女孩,反之亦然。

- 领主和女士们给出了竞争,RtR支持和英特尔的通用对话。要在以后个性化。

- 领主和女士们有城镇来收集英特尔。

- Cordelia背景故事补充道。


- 根据他们的灵感为6位领主添加了original_factions。

- 增加Karn&Argan来测试对抗并了解道德类型。

- 添加了Ostanes,以试验“主人”。


- 将Einar的cuir bouli改为鳞甲。

- 添加了Boadicea 

- 添加了缺少的turn_against对话框。


- 发布

This adds lots of new companions to native M&B: Warband. Ver. 1.131

Click here to meet the lords & ladies.

Companions v.96 + Diplomacy v3.1

12 Lords & Ladies - each inspired by 1 faction in the game, with stats based on actual in game lords, so they don't unbalance the game. They each come pre-equiped with faction specific unmodified (i.e. no reinforced/cracked) gear. They cost 15000 denars each to hire, but that's because i don't want them being farmed for their equipment. But if your gearing up to run your own kingdom, you should be building your bank account anyways. Also their high level means they are pretty expensive to have in your army, so they really are meant for player kingdoms who NEED capable lords.

They all have unique dialog, based off of real historical/legendary figures from their factions influences. They do have rivalries / people they dislike. The men and women like their same faction influenced opposing gender. The men and women hate their neighbors in a circle of hate as explained in the changelog.

1 Lord & 1 Lady - King grade (probably higher) lord & lady - stronger and more expensive then the others, ideal marshal material. Costs 20000 denars. Their army gets like around 180+ men on it's own, so they're pretty bad ass. When made into fief holders, they receive the title "Marshal" (but aren't actually made the marshal of your army.)

28 Powerful Fighters - Essentially like, troops that don't die in battle, just get knocked out. They are strong, but don't have the skills and attributes necessary to be good lords.

6 Party Skill Master - They won't cost a lot to recruit, but they have high upkeep, because they're level 50, but very low combat stats for their levels. But the game seems to give them much higher stats then i assign them,(i give them 4 strength, when they show up in game they have 12 for some reason) so they can wear decent armor and equip decent weapons, but they wont exactly have the skills and proficiencies to use them very well. Their meant to be put on the bottom of your troop list and kept out of battle, but with larger battle sizes that can be kinda impossible. They also aren't designed to level up really, because they are already well experienced in what they do. Best thing to do is probably assign them to the archer group, or make a group just for them and tell them to wait at the start of battle.

9 Mid-Grade Lords Cheaper then the original lords, not as effective at combat and leading armies, but you could invest time in them to make them better vassals, though it isn't 100% necessary, Cost 6000 denars a piece. Some will have unique titles when made into "lords," so instead of "Lord Soandso" they will be "Something Soandso" .

11 Companions with 'potential':

These companions has stats very similar to player progression, so with the right nurturing, you can turn them into very capable lords or warriors. Some start out farther along then others.

To do:

Give a bunch of the new companions (strong warriors, skill masters, mid-grade lords) unique dialog.

Install instructions:

Extract .rar inside the modules folder.

This is not designed to work with any other mods currently. And it will most likely mess up your game if you try to install it over other mods. I am 99% sure this will not work with a saved game because it added new troops (sorta).

If you want this in other mods, ask their makers to incorporate it. Or somehow acquire the python/modsystem files and you could add them yourself from the source at the bottom of this post. I can't tell you how to merge the text files because i have no idea how the text files work, only the python/modsystem files. me no habla binary.

SOURCE w/ placement instructions. Version: 0.95

To do:

Give companions full unique dialog.


Version 0.961

- added 5 strong warrior archers

- added 4 tournament champion companions, you'll also see them in tournaments, wether they are in your party or not.

- added 7 blank-slate, character creation choice characters, they have the same potential you do.

- added the missing sword sister strong warrior companion.

- added deborah

- added to the introductions that were not unique for the mid-grade lords.

- gave the mid grade lords/knightly order lords unique faces, so they arent quite so cookie cutter.

- added the ability to buy ships at port towns, could be useful for trading from like say shariz to sargoth/rivacheg, might be faster/safer, boats move at a speed of 15. although there isnt much to do with a boat currently, i have some ideas to use those tiny islands along the coast.

- But with mercantile shiping comes pirates, so the seas arent completely safe, they vary in size, but you can also try to be a pirate hunter, as the pirates have various goods that you can take back from them, they are the largest bandit faction, kinda meant for endgame bandit hunting. 

- Added two higher tiers to each bandit (forest,mountain,ect.), better equiped and skilled, but you wont encounter lots of them. easier for the player to find better gear off bandits now... sea raiders still strongest bandit faction.

- player troop tree now recruited from villages the player faction owns, currently not optional, gonna try to make it optional. credits topper.

- added/changed some items, new throwing short swords and throwing hammers, poleaxe and pole hammer work like hafter blades now (much better on horseback)


Version 0.9601

- export/import companions added.

Version 0.96

- Knight Order companions now refer to the player as "Grand Master (playername)"

- All lord grade characters given proper/varying reputation types. Most are goodnatured/upstanding/benefactor/custodians/martial.

- Some lords & ladies finnaly have proper moralities, so they start to care if you do things they dislike.

- Agustina's backstory added.

- Can now recruit troops from tavernkeepers for money. Credits: Somebody & Ashmond

- Custom player faction only troops (only the player can recruit them currently), avaiable from tavern keepers.

- You can recruit troops of the knightlyorders/foreigners from the tavernkeeper

Version 0.954

- hotfix, nords now have proper upgrade trees, dont need to start a new game thankfully.

Version 0.953

- Merged knightly orders into main release.

- Custom titles back in

Version 0.952

- Compatiable with 1.131 native

- New companions now fall into proper groups when recruited, i.e. archers join the archer group, mounted companions join the cavalry group.

Version 0.951

- Added custom troop trees for miura and konrad/ulrich.

- Miura Anjin can recruit troops from a "foreign" country, but at a pretty slow rate, so he recruits some peasants from every faction to make up for his slow recruitment of the foreign troops, because otherwise it would take forever for him to have enough troops to actually venture out of a castle or town, because foreign troops are pretty strong and they already come fully upgraded.

- Added the 6 knightly orders of Calradia. And two representatives for each order, althought currently they are only clones of konrad and Ulrich.

- Konrad and Ulrich now belong to the Order of the Leopard knights.

- Added a cheat to that allows access to the new orders troops thru the tavernkeepers with cheatmenu enabled.(credits: Somebody)

- Custom titles were temporarily disabled, because they were causing peoples names to become whole paragraphs when made into lords *shrugs*

Version 0.95

- Miura Anjin has become a "midgrade lord," he has some leadership and tactics and such to be a "not complete shit" lord.

- Edgardo & Morana given backstory and dialog.

- 6 elites weapon proficiencies changed to match their influences (meaning melee guys dont have any archery skill and such)

- 13 more strong warriors

- 8 mid/midhigh grade lords, trying to test out custom lord titles, like howbunduk becomes "tribune bunduk"

- Companions lacking "proper" dialog, now have better generic dialog instead of just "a" or "signup" or "$$$"

- Added Camilla's backstory and changed her to better reflect her influences, now uses a bow&arrow instead of a pike&javelin and a wooden battle axe instead of a metal saranid one.

- Lowered Xin Jia's level to 30, as she is the most useless of the skill masters because her skill isnt passively active, only when you send her out to do stuff.

- Joan and Balbanes now have the title of "Marshall" when made lords.

Version 0.94

- Added Companion versions (copies) of each factions best unit/speciality (1 inf. 2 arch. 3 cav.)

- Added Samurai companion

- Fixed Einar's original faction

- Added 5 more skill masters

- Cordelia signup dialog finished

- Blanchefleur dialog finished

- Joan dialog finished

Version 0.93

- Added the other lady lords. Will be completed over time.

- Lords have rivalries in a fashion i call the "circle of hate." By drawing a big circle around thru the factions as they appear on the map, you can see the two factions each lord hates. Not all the proper dialog has been added though.

- Lords and ladies now like their respective counterparts, i.e. swadia guy likes swadia girl and vice versa.

- Lords and ladies given generic dialog for rivalries, RtR support and Intel. To be individualised at later times.

- Lords and ladies have towns to gather intel from.

- Cordelia backstory added.

Version 0.92

- Added original_factions for the 6 lords, based on their inspiration.

- Added Karn & Argan to test rivalries and learn about morality types.

- Added Ostanes, to experiment with "masters."

Version 0.91

- Changed Einar's cuir bouli to scale armor.

- Added Boadicea

- Added missing turn_against dialog.

Version 0.9

- Release






