Heraldic BLACK Transitional Armour 盔甲
Heraldic BLACK Transitional Armor
对于cRPG mod,但它与任何使用当前Heraldic Transitional Armor的mod都兼容,因为我只编辑了.dds纹理文件。
://forums#taleworlds#com/index.php/topic,122932#0#html 包含以下内容的Zip文件夹:
- 读取我
- .dds文件
Heraldic BLACK Transitional Armour
For the cRPG mod, but it would be compatible with any mod that uses this current Heraldic Transitional Armour since I only edited the .dds texture file.
I am not the original author, I simply re-skinned the original. An image of the original can be found on the homepage link: forums#taleworlds#com/index.php/topic,122932#0#html
A Zip folder containing:
- read me
- .dds file