What does it do
The Spawner scans periodically your area for actors.Actors are then randomly selected to be eitherreplaced or another actor will additionally spawn. If the selected actor is part of a quest, it will neverbe replaced, though.This is done in a complete compatible way. It also makes only sense for modded monsters if youdon't want those to be placed in the world by a mod.
We need SKSE or your game breaks.Read the comments in the sourcecode. No exception!You need to be able to use xEdit and merge mods.
First Steps
Place the esps in your data folder. Your working esp must be named Spawner.esp. The Blank one useas backup.The scripts obivously go into your script folder. The sources go into your script source folder. ThexEdit Script goes into your xedit script folder.
Merge your monster mods
Now you can merge your monster mods into one mod.
Clean the merge
You need to clean the merge. Additionally you need to pay attention to a few thing. I'll only mentiona few things for a "mihail merge"