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边缘世界(环世界)MOD [Mod搬运]Combat Shields-自带中文

边缘世界(环世界)MOD [Mod搬运]Combat Shields-自带中文



发布日期:2024-03-23 16:23:01更新日期:2024-03-25 11:52:56










Additional types of shields from a variety of eras, usable with melee and certain ranged weapons. Designed by different cultures for different roles, they allow further specialization of colonists equipped with shields depending upon their role in combat and duty around the colony. Feel free to leave suggestions for more shields in the comments below.

This mod is also available on Github#[github#com]

Nguni Shield:

Recipe: 15 x Wood, 45 x Leather

Description: A design originating amongst the Nguni people of South Africa, this lightweight shield--traditionally made from cowhide--was most famously used by the Zulu. Designed with offensive purposes in mind, it is not thick enough to protect the user against sustained fire, but in skilled hands is extremely effective in hand-to-hand combat.

Wicker Shield:

Recipe: 60 x Wood

Description: Carried by the Sparabara of the armies of Ancient Persia, the shields are made of wickerwork, offering reasonably good coverage from most simple projectiles without weighing the user down. Unfortunately, their lightweight construction means they offer less protection against the thrust of a spear or sword in hand-to-hand combat.


Recipe: 60 x Wood, 5 x Steel

Description: A convex shield made of wood and often covered with a thin sheet of bronze or other metal, the Asis was the shield of the Greek hoplite, and its good coverage was an integral part of the success of phalanx. This shield bears the letter 'lambda,' mark of the city-state of Sparta.


Recipe: 60 x Wood, 10 x Steel

Description: Famously carried by Roman legionaries, its design reflected its role as a heavy infantryman's shield. Made of layers of wood glued together and covered with canvas or leather, it offered a good compromise between weight and protection. A later design, thick planks and a metal edging give the shield additional strength.

Norse Shield:

Recipe: 70 x Wood, 10 x Steel

Description: A heavy shield in Norse style, it was famously carried by the vikings on their raids into Western Europe. Designed to protect the user in hand-to-hand combat and against projectiles. Made of thick timber with a heavy iron rim, it is quite sturdy.

Kite Shield:

Recipe: 70 x Wood

Description: A cavalryman's shield, the kite shield originated in Western Europe, becoming widespread around the 10th Century AD. While one of the few designs of the time that offered good protection the users legs, its length made it awkward for infantry to use. Nevertheless, it was extremely popular, seeing extensive use throughout Europe, and evenutally being introduced to the Holy Land by Norman Crusaders.

Pavise Shield:

Recipe: 90 x Wood

Description: A large, heavy shield made of rough-hewn planks. Designed to protect archers and crossbowmen from incoming projectiles, it is extremely cumbersome in hand-to-hand combat. They were particularly common place in Western Europe during the 14th and 15th centuries.


Recipe: 40 x Steel

Description: An extremely small metal shield, usually paired with a rapier or similiarly light sword. Too small to offer any meaningful protection from incoming projectiles, the buckler is instead designed to deflect and trap a foe's weapon in close-quarters combat.

Riot Shield:

Recipe: 60 x Steel

Description: Designed for law enforcement and corrections officers, this shield's lightweight metal construction and large size make it ideal for use against crowds and unarmed opponents. However, it offers only limited protection against projectiles and isn't thick enough to stop even the lowest caliber gunfire.

Assault Shield:

Recipe: 60 x Steel, 4 x Components

Description: An advanced composite shield with a suite of integrated sensors, the assault shield was designed for military units likely to find themselves engaged in extremely close-quarters combat. Far smaller than a full-sized ballistic shield, it trades coverage for mobility. Though capable of stopping handgun and rifle rounds, its small size leaves the user very little to hide behind should they find themselves under sustained fire.

Ballistic Shield:

Recipe: 90 x Steel

Description: A heavy shield made of advanced alloys and designed to withstand high-caliber gunfire. Capable of stopping rifle rounds, its size and weight makes it extremely cumbersome.

Modded Weapons

There should be no conflicts with melee weapons added by mods. For ranged weapons, the weapon must have the 'Shield_Sidearm' weapon tag to be usable with a shield. If you have suggestions for a weapon mod to be patched, or need help creating a patch, use the comments.

Save Games

It should not be necessary to start a new save game, but may cause errors if removed from an existing save. 

Supported Mods

Simple Sidearms - Combat Shields is fully compatible with Simple Sidearms. Pawns will re-equip and stow shields as required.

Rimsenal - Weapons added by Rimsenal, Feral, and Federation have appropriate tags to be allowed or disallowed with shields.

Weapon Tech - Weapons have appropriate tags to be allowed or disallowed with shields.

Arrow Please - Weapons have appropriate tags to be allowed or disallowed with shields.

Medieval Times - Weapons have appropriate tags to be allowed or disallowed with shields.

The Combat Extended version can be found here.

A very special thanks to:

BukTaki, whose permission and shield framework made this mod possible.

Dango998, for his Simplified Chinese translation.

Rostropovich, for his work on the patches for Arrow Please and Weapon Tech.

All the folks on the Rimworld discord for their endless patience and help.


[Mod搬运]Combat Shields-自带中文

[Mod搬运]Combat Shields-自带中文






