ATTN:这是一个SELF DIRECTED任务。没有任何任务标记弹出,只是按照书中说的那样做,你会没事的。
作为一个小组项目,我们的FB小组(新)Skyrim Addicts(www#facebook#com/groups/TheNewSkyrimAddicts/)决定创建一个武器模型,附加一条创建的传说。我们使用了一些民意调查来获取小组的信息,并回答有关mod以及它将包含的内容的问题。这是结果。
许多人以前,有一个强大的战士的故事,传说他有一个更强大的弓...有人说甚至拥有更大的古龙的神奇力量。真相是什么?那个弓怎么了?和战士?龙怎么样?这是真的还是只是一个神话?马上去查!追踪战士的故事并了解他如何成为传奇......你也可能成为一个传奇人物。在Nightgate Inn开始您的任务。在酒吧找书。
TL; DR:Sweet Bow。得到它。
RobZom的Fancy Bows www#nexusmods#com/skyrim/mods/78112
A brief lore hunt that tells the story of how an incredibly powerful bow came to be, and the final reward of the bow itself...
ATTN: This is a SELF DIRECTED quest. No quest markers pop up, just do what the books say and you'll be fine.
As a group project, our FB group (The new) Skyrim Addicts (www#facebook#com/groups/TheNewSkyrimAddicts/) decided to create a weapons mod with a piece of created lore attached to it. We used a number of polls to get info from the group and answer questions about the mod and what it would contain. This is the result.
Many eons ago, there was a tale of a powerful warrior, and legend says he had an even more powerful bow... some say to have even held the magical powers of an even greater ancient dragon. What's the truth? And what happened to that bow? And the warrior? And what about the dragon? Is it real or just a myth? Find out now! Track down the story of the warrior and find out how he became a legend... and you may also become one. Start your quest at the Nightgate Inn. Look for the book on the bar.
TL;DR: Sweet Bow. Get it.
Fancy Bows by RobZom www#nexusmods#com/skyrim/mods/78112