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发布日期:2024-10-16 16:34:57更新日期:2024-10-16 18:19:18









它还增加了一个失败系统ala Death Alternative,但完全没有损失。通过失败而丢失的任何物品都可以在以后回收,因此您可以毫无顾虑地使用Daedric文物。

我还会推荐像Mortal Enemies这样的mod,以及像TK Dodge这样的闪避mod来赞美这个mod。
























-Staying Still:持续时间x2

 - 静止和蹲伏:持续时间x5

 - 静止和坐着:持续时间x10













失败是这个模组中最复杂的部分,但仍然相当简单。启用Combat Defeat后,当你的生命值达到0时,你不会死,但会开始流血。当你开始流血时,你只有一次机会拉力并起身继续在虚弱状态下战斗,或者投降并希望你的盟友将你带到一个安全的地方。



拉力赛将完全恢复你的健康,但将会使用弱化的减益效果。 debuff将在被击倒一次后持续12小时,并且会使你的武器,法术和护甲的效果降低10%。被击倒多次会增加debuff的持续时间和强度,最终使其效果减半。成功反弹的机会完全取决于你的等级,50级以上的独奏球员保证会有所反弹,并且有超过25级的随从的球员可以保证反弹。狼人,吸血鬼领主和其他非人类变革将保证会反弹。



投降,或未能反弹和黑暗,将导致一些事情发生,取决于你的盟友的状态。如果你没有任何随从,或者他们正在流血或死亡,你有机会被抢劫。然后,您将被扔出地牢,无论是直接在外面还是在附近。您将有机会被发现并带到附近的营地,旅馆或朋友家。如果你选择投降,那么你将被带回到你睡觉的最后一张床。如果你有跟随者,你被带到其他三个地方之一的机会会增加。此外,您将应用Defeated debuff。这是一个令人难以置信的严重减益效果,减慢你的角色,使魔药,法术和武器基本无用。它也会在你醒来后持续36个小时。被淘汰多次会增加这段时间。

有一些任务特定的区域将自动集结你而不应用任何debuff; Sovngarde,Dustman's Cairn,Snow Veil Sanctum就是一些例子。所以你可以完成大部分任务,而不必担心当你有一个任务随从时被运送到全省各地。



可以随时在MCM中启用和禁用Combat Defeat。




在消隐或放弃游戏后,游戏可能会放慢一段时间。你将不得不等待Defeated减益效果,或购买或制作Laudanum,这将使debuff的持续时间缩短一天,最多12小时。 Laudanum很可能是从Innkeepers和Apothecaries购买的,或者可以在烹饪锅中加入一些啤酒和一些不常见的成分,或者特别有效的汁液。













如果你不幸让你的装备被盗,在停电或投降之后,你会想要回到击败你的地下城。什么物品被盗是取决于什么样的敌人击败你,人道主义(强盗,术士等),Draugr,矮人自动机或法尔默。一段时间后,你的装备的一小部分会丢失,具体取决于小组:人形生物6小时,Falmer 12小时,自动机18小时,Draugr 24小时。如果你足够快地返回,你应该找到击败你的敌人,或者在地牢的最后胸部。



如果你没有足够快地返回,或者如果另一组相同类型的敌人击败你,那么你的部分或全部装备将会失去。一旦您的物品丢失,您将无法从原始地牢中恢复它们,因为它将被出售或带到其他地方。因此,为了恢复丢失的装备,你将不得不清除同类型的其他地下城,即强盗藏身处,北欧遗址等等。所以,你可能会在白河观察中被击败后失去你超级魔法剑,但你可能会在Redoran's Retreat或另一个强盗藏身处找到它。当然,你需要在同一时间找到另一把剑。


Combat Consequences is focused on making small changes to make combat more engaging, challenging, and punishing, all without making combat rage-inducing. Including changing how damage scales with the game difficulty setting, changing potion strength and duration based on the scenario, and changing how much damage is taken and given based on health and stamina percentages.


It also adds a Defeat system ala Death Alternative, but is completely lossless. Any items lost through defeat can be reclaimed at a later point, so you can use your Daedric artifacts without worry.


I would also recommend a mod like Mortal Enemies, and a dodge mod like TK Dodge to compliment this mod.


This mod can be installed at any time, but preferably out of combat.

It can be uninstalled if you aren't under the Defeated or Weakened effects, and aren't wearing any bandages added by this mod.


Difficulty Tweaks

The Difficulty Game Rules have been changed to make them more realistic, ie the player and enemies will deal approximately the same amount of damage. Increasing the difficulty makes the player and enemies deal more damage, and vice versa. The difficulty slider now represents how many mistakes you can make before losing. At Novice difficulty, it likely will take a few swings with a warhammer to down either you or enemies, while at Adept and higher, you can't make a mistake when strafing battle-axe wielding bandit chiefs.


Difficulty: Player Dmg, Enemy Dmg

Novice:        0.6, 0.50

Apprentice: 0.8, 0.75

Adept:          1.0, 1.00

Expert:         1.4, 1.50

Master:        1.8, 2.00

Legendary:  2.2, 3.00


Combat Tweaks

Their are a few small game-play combat tweaks to make combat more engaging. These are Preparation, Survival, and Exhaustion.

These can all be disabled and enabled at whim in the MCM.


Preparation changes how powerful potions and self-cast spells are, depending on the scenario.


In combat, the duration and magnitude of beneficial effects are halved. Crouching and staying still negates this.


Outside of combat, the duration of these effects is increased:

-Staying Still: Duration x2

-Staying Still and Crouching: Duration x5

-Staying Still and Sitting: Duration x10


So, you have to decide what potions to use before you enter combat, because when you're in combat, they'll be worthless. It also partially prevents restoration spells from making the player near-invulnerable.


Survival changes how much damage you take depending on your health percentage. The more damaged you are, the less damage you take, allowing you to survive in long drawn out and tense battles, and reducing the chance of being one-shot. It also softens the impact of the Preparation and Defeat systems.


Exhaustion simply changes how much damage physical weapons do, based on your stamina percentage. The lower your stamina, the less damage you'll do.


Combat Defeat

Defeat is the most complex part of this mod, but is still fairly simple. With Combat Defeat enabled, when your health reaches 0, you won't die, but will start bleeding out. When you start bleeding-out, you have a single chance to Rally and get up to continue fighting in a weakened state, or to Surrender and hope your allies will take you to a safe location.


Rallying will completely restore your health, but will apply a Weakened debuff. The debuff will last 12 hours after being knocked down once, and will decrease the effectiveness of your weapons, spells, and armor by 10%. Being knocked down multiple times will increase the duration and the strength of the debuff, eventually halving their effectiveness. The chance to successfully rally is dependent purely on your Level, with solo players above level 50 being guaranteed to rally, and players with followers above level 25 being guaranteed to rally. Werewolves, Vampire Lords, and other non-human transformations will be guaranteed to rally.


Surrendering, or failing to rally and blacking out, will cause a few things to happen, depending on the state of your allies. If you don't have any followers, or if they're bleeding out or dead, you have a chance to be Robbed. You will then be thrown out of the dungeon, either directly outside or at a nearby location. There is a chance you will be found and brought to a nearby Camp, Inn, or the House of a friend. If you chose to surrender, then you will be brought back to the last bed you slept at. The chances of being brought to one of the other three locations are increased if you have followers with you. Additionally, you will have the Defeated debuff applied. This is an incredibly severe debuff, slowing your character, and making potions, spells, and weapons essentially useless. It is also set to last 36 hours after you wake up. Being knocked out multiple times will increase this duration.


There are a few quest-specific areas that will automatically rally you without applying any debuffs; Sovngarde, Dustman's Cairn, Snow Veil Sanctum are a few examples. So you can go through most quests without worrying about being transported half-way across the province when you have a quest follower with you.


Combat Defeat can be enabled and disabled in the MCM at any time.



After blacking out or surrendering your game play will likely slow for some time. You will have to wait out the Defeated debuff, or buy or make Laudanum, which will shorten the duration of the debuff by a day, down to 12 hours. Laudanum can likely be bought from Innkeepers and Apothecaries, or can be made at cooking pot with some Ale and some uncommon ingredients, or with a particular potent sap.


If you have to travel before the debuff wears off, it will be worth making some Bandages. Arm and head bandages can be crafted at a tanning rack with linen wraps or bloody rags. They are also given to you if you are brought to a Camp, Inn, or a Friend's House. These bandages increase your Health, Magicka, and Stamina regeneration, but only if you are particularly weakened, ie less than 50 in the appropriate attribute.


If you wake up at an Inn or a Friend's House, you will be given bandages, a fresh set of clothes, and a bed to rest in. You will also be able to ask your friend or the innkeeper for food if all of yours was stolen. Keep in mind, once you leave the Inn or House, they will assume you're well enough to look after yourself, and you'll forfeit the free meals and bed.


Once you've gone through all this, you should look to recovering any stolen gear.



If you are unlucky enough to have your gear stolen, after blacking out or surrendering, you will want to return to the dungeon that defeated you. What items are stolen are dependent on what group of enemies defeated you, either Humanoids (Bandits, Warlocks, etc), Draugr, Dwarven Automatons, or Falmer. A small part of your gear is Lost after some time, depending on the group: 6 hours for Humanoids, 12 hours for Falmer, 18 hours for Automatons, and 24 hours for Draugr. If you return quickly enough, you should find your items on either the enemy that defeated you, or in the end chest of the dungeon.


If you fail to return quickly enough, or if another group of the same type of enemies defeat you, then some or all of your gear will be Lost. Once your items are lost, you won't be able to recover them from the original dungeon, as it will have been sold off, or taken to other locations. So, to recover lost gear, you will have to go clear other dungeons of the same type, ie Bandit Hideouts, Nordic Ruins, etc. So, you might lose your uber-enchanted sword after being defeated in White River Watch, but you might find it in Redoran's Retreat or another bandit hideout. Of course, you will need to find another sword in the mean time.






