This is an incredibly simple mod. It literally took me less than hour to make, and fixes a major issue I had with the magic gameplay: Scrolls.
Scrolls in vanilla Skyrim are borderline useless. Either because their too much of a hassle to acquire, or too clunky to equip and use, especially if you're playing as anything besides a mage. I also hate that they aren't displayed as scrolls in your hand. I already made a mod that fixes the acquisition by adding a scroll-crafting system, among other things; Spell Research. But scrolls are still incredibly clunky to use. So, I made this mod.
With this mod installed, if you are in combat, or have your weapons out, simply drop a scroll to cast it. That's it. No complex incantation or clunky casting animations. Just throw the scroll on the ground, and let the magic happen. Maybe throw a few rude gestures around as well.
Note that Master Scrolls, as in scrolls that require two hands, can't be cast using this system. Also, there is still a small animation: your weapon will be redrawn after using the scroll.