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上古卷轴5重置版让Carlotta Valentia快乐的结局MOD免费下载

上古卷轴5重置版让Carlotta Valentia快乐的结局MOD免费下载



发布日期:2024-12-23 23:43:21更新日期:2024-12-24 10:32:07







这个mod允许你嫁给Carlotta Valentia,收养她的女儿Mila,住在Carlotta的家或你拥有的任何其他家。


要求与Carlotta Valentia结婚



3.成为Whiterun的Thane。 (不一定需要Thane。请参阅下面的FAQ#1。)



采用Mila Valentia的要求




























* Carlotta和Mila将不再使用他们的默认AI。相反,他们将使用默认的配偶/女儿AI。





如果您住在Breezehome并使用Improved Adoptions mod,Carlotta将每天从上午11点到下午1点访问Whiterun市场。她不会站在她的立场后面,因为我觉得这不再是她的立场了。然而,她仍然会偶尔喊出她的常规评论,如“新鲜蔬菜!”。我没有注意到她在其他城市生活时大喊大叫。我扮演角色,因为它仍然是她的立场,但现在她只是监督几个小时而不是整天工作。与Dragonborn结婚的众多好处之一。













* Carlotta和Mila将使用他们的默认AI。 Carlotta在她的摊位上工作,将Mila带到Bannered Mare吃晚餐,然后他们在家里睡觉。

* Carlotta称你为“丈夫”,你将拥有所有结婚对话选项(商店收益分享,家常饭等)。













*我只在Elysium Estate进行过测试,并没有出现采用对话。


* Carlotta和Mila(如果她被采用)将使用默认配偶/女儿AI(如果您使用该mod,则使用改进采用)。






是!你必须完成她的吟游诗人问题,但之后你可以使用控制台命令将她的关系设置得足够高并让她进入婚姻派系。我将在下载页面的“可选文件”中使用.bat文件来执行此操作。此外,如果你使用Amorous Adventures,我认为完成她在该mod中的任务也将允许你在没有Thane的情况下嫁给Carlotta,但这是未经测试的。如果有人想出来,请告诉我,以便我可以更新此页面。
















当我尝试将家人直接搬到极乐世界庄园的房子里时,即使我把客房换成了一个儿童房并使用了“祝福这个家”的咒语,我也没有选择采用Mila。这是我测试的唯一房屋模型。如果你想采用Mila,你可能需要一个香草之家采用,然后转移到房子mod。我很想知道如何使用house mods。








一个都没有。 Carlotta和Mila将使用改进收养中的AI,如果你住在一个香草之家,也许是一个房子mod。如果您使用来自Multiple Adoption mod的LastName esp,Mila将成为Mila Valentia Dovahkiin。














Mila来自The Kids Are Alright(mod#9175)。 Carlotta来自Bijin NPC(mod#11287)。我用mod改进的Skyrim Eyes(mod#9141)用蓝眼睛手动替换了她的眼部纹理。




Carlotta Valentia HE  -  TKAA补丁

这个mod的补丁和The Kids Are Alright(mod#9175)。它将此mod的变化应用于TKAA的Mila。





这包含一个简单的文本文件,使您可以与几乎任何NPC结婚或成为随从。但是,您可能需要在选项出现之前完成任务。在这个mod的情况下,你需要先完成Carlotta的吟游诗人任务。将单个文件解压缩到SkyrimSE.exe所在的Skyrim Special Edition文件夹中。在游戏中,单击任何NPC并打开通常为波形键(〜)的控制台。键入marry.txt,按Enter键,然后关闭控制台。田田!



所有文本文件都将这些更改应用于该NPC:setrelationshiprank player 4,addfac 19809 1,addfac 5c84d 1,addfac 5a1a4 1.如果你在Mila(或任何孩子)上使用同一个文件,它将不会让你嫁给她,因为她只是个孩子,游戏不允许这样。这将使她成为你的朋友,她可以作为随从加入你。我不会让她参加战斗,但如果你需要的话,这是一个简单的方法。




1.在改变Mila的任何其他mod之前加载此mod。您需要使用SSE Edit手动转发此mod中的一些更改。如果你为另一个mod创建一个补丁我会在这里添加它,如果你想分享,我会给你信用。



2.这个mod和TKAA mod的顺序并不重要。唯一重要的是这个mod的TKAA补丁来自这两个。



3. USSEP不是必需的,但我确实对这个mod进行了一些未成年人的改变。如果您使用USSEP,请在此之后加载此mod。













我已经对这个mod进行了相当多的测试,但仍然存在我目前尚未意识到的问题。我没有Bug Tracker或论坛,因为问题似乎在那里得到了损失。请将所有评论,问题,嘲笑和欢呼添加到“帖子”标签中,这样就不会错过。




本模式中陈述的所有内容可能会或可能不会被视为我个人的官方声明。实际里程可能有所不同价格不包括税,所有权和许可。需要一些装配。每个单独出售。电池不包括在内。镜中的物体比他们似乎更接近。如果病情持续,请联系医生。请将本品放在儿童不能接触的地方。避免长时间暴露在直射阳光下。放在阴凉,黑暗的地方。不要嘲笑Happy Fun Ball。


This is a port of the Skyrim mod "Carlotta Valentia - Happy Ending" (Skyrim mod#42318).  The mod states "Please be nice and credit me if you want to improve upon this, or if you use it in your own work or upload it to other sites or whatever. Or not, I'm just a block of text. Who am I to tell you what to do".   All credit is given to it's creator:  sicarius100.  Well done, sir.  


The original Skyrim version of the mod:  www#nexusmods#com/skyrim/mods/42318


Carlotta Valentia - Happy Ending SSE

This mod allows you to marry Carlotta Valentia, adopt her daughter Mila, and live in Carlotta's home or any other home you own.


Requirements to Marry Carlotta Valentia

1. Complete the quest Bonds of Matrimony which involves speaking with Maramal about Mara and wearing an amulet of Mara. 

2. Resolve Carlotta's problem with the bard Mikael.

3. Become Thane of Whiterun.  (Being Thane not necessarily required.  See FAQ #1 below.)

4. Ask Carlotta to marry you. 


Requirements to Adopt Mila Valentia

1. Marry Carlotta.  You must have completed the wedding ceremony and chosen a home before the dialogue option appears.  

2. Live in a vanilla home with an available kid's bed.   This may or may not work with house mods.  See QUESTON #5 at the end. 

3. Have a discussion with Mila about being adopted.  


Choices for a Home

Immediately after the wedding you have to make a choice of where you and Carlotta are going to live.  Your choice will determine not only where you live but also if Mila is immediately available for adoption and what AI package is controlling Carlotta and Mila.  You can choose to live a vanilla house you already own, at Carlotta's house, or a house mod you already own. 


The simplest, most vanilla friendly choice is to move into a vanilla home you already own.  It is the least likely choice to run into issues later on.  Also, you should already own Breezehome since it's a requirement to be Thane and being Thane is required to marry Carlotta. 


Choosing to live at Carlotta's house is different from the vanilla marriage because Carlotta and Mila continue using their default AI package and not the default spouse/daughter AI package.  This choice is more likely to run into some little issues but I've personally not run into any.  Because it's unique and different from the vanilla marriage this is my preferred choice.  Also, with a few workarounds you can marry Carlotta and move into her home without purchasing Breezehome or another house.  This is potentially the quickest way to marry Carlotta.  


I've not been able to adopt Mila while living in a house mod but I've done very little testing of it.  I have adopted Mila in a vanilla home and moved her to a house mod with no issues.  I would love feed back about how well other house mods work so I can update this page.


While this mod uses a few small scripts of it's own, it uses the default marriage and adoption processes of the game.  This greatly reduces potential conflicts with other mods.   


Choices in Detail


Choice 1:  Choose to live at a vanilla home (Breezehome, Proudspire, etc) you already own.  


* You will immediately have the option to adopt Mila.

* Carlotta and Mila will no longer use their default AI.  Instead they will use the default spouse/daughter AI.  

* If you use Improved Adoptions (mod# 4713) Carlotta and Mila (if you adopted her) will use that mod's schedule. 

* If you do not adopt Mila she will continue to live at Carlotta's home but will often visit her mother. 


If you live in Breezehome and use the Improved Adoptions mod, Carlotta will visit the Whiterun Market every day from 11 AM to 1 PM.  She will not go behind her stand as I guess it's not her stand anymore.  However, she will still occasionally shout her regular comments such as "Fresh vegetables!".  I have not noticed her shouting when living in other cities.  I role play it as it's still her stand but now she simply supervises a few hours instead of working all day.  One of the many benefits of marrying the Dragonborn. 


This is the most vanilla friendly option and least likely to run into problems later. 


Choice 2:  Choose to live at Carlotta's home. 


* You will not have the option to adopt Mila (this is not necessarily a bad thing).

* The game won't let you adopt Mila because it doesn't recognize a bed for her at Carlotta's.

* You can adopt Mila later on.  See FAQ #3 below.

* After the wedding ask Carlotta for a key to her house which gives you full ownership.  You will be able to sleep and store items there. 

* Carlotta and Mila will use their default AI.  Carlotta works her stand, takes Mila to the Bannered Mare for dinner, and they sleep at home. 

* Carlotta calls you "husband" and you will have all of the married dialogue options (share of the store proceeds,  home cooked meal, etc).


This seems like a very unique role playing opportunity.  Instead of Mila becoming your daughter, she's more of a step daughter.  You can be her friend but she'll never refer to you as father.  You won't be able to ask Carlotta how Mila is doing.  However, Carlotta will respond to you as your spouse.  Carlotta and Mila will continue to live their own lives while you're away.  When you are in Whiterun you can visit your family and have a nice, little home to stay in.  As I said, you can always adopt Mila later.  See FAQ #3 below.


This is not a vanilla marriage as Carlotta is your spouse but she is not using the default spouse AI.  In my testing I've not had any issues but potentially there could be an issue at some point.  


Also, if you initially move into Carlotta's home and later purchase a vanilla house with a kid's bed, Mila will gain the dialogue option to adopt her. I would not choose to adopt her at that point because the game will get a little confused and automatically move her and Carlotta to the new house over the course of a few days (Skyrim always takes a few days to move kids around).  It works but it's a bit clunky.  Instead, talk to Carlotta about moving the family to the new house and once that's done talk to Mila and adopt her.   Either way works but moving the family before adopting Mila is a bit more straight forward and most vanilla friendly.  If you buy a vanilla home but don't want Mila to have the adoption dialogue, replace kid's bed from the vanilla home. If a kid's bed is not available then you will not get the adoption dialogue.


Choice 3:  Choose to live at a house mod you already own.  Will work for Carlotta but Mila may not be available to adopt. 


* Mila should have the adoption dialogue option if the game recognizes a kid's bed at the house mod. 

* I've only tested with Elysium Estate and the adoption dialogue did not appear. 

* Carlotta should have no issues moving to a house mod as long as you already own the house. 

* Carlotta and Mila (if she is adopted) will use the default spouse/daughter AI (or Improved Adoption if you use that mod). 

* See FAQ #5 below for more details.



1. Can I marry Carlotta without being Thane of Whiterun?  

Yes!  You have to finish her bard issue but after that you can use a console command to set her relationship high enough and put her into the marriage faction.  I'll have a .bat file you can use to do this in the "Optional Files" on the download page.  Also, if you use Amorous Adventures, I think completing her quest in that mod will also allow you to marry Carlotta without being Thane but this is untested. If someone figures this out let me know so I can update this page. 


2.  Can I marry Carlotta without owning a house and use her house?

Yes!  See the answer to FAQ #1.  


3. If I move into Carlotta's home, can I later adopt Mila? 

Yes!  You can later move your family into a home that does have a bed available for her (I've only gotten this to work with a vanilla home).  For example, if you move into Breezehome the option to adopt Mila appears after you purchase the kids room. 


4. Can I move into Carlotta's home if I already have kids?

No, you will not have the option to live at Carlotta's home if you already have kids.  That game will know there's no room for another kid.


5. Does this work with a house mod? 

When I tried moving the family directly to the house mod of Elysium Estate I never got the option to adopt Mila even though I changed the guest room to a kids room and used the "Bless this home" spell.   This was the only house mod I tested.  If you want to adopt Mila you may need a vanilla home to adopt and then move to a house mod.  I'd love to  hear about how this works with house mods. 


6. How can I adopt Mila if I want to live in a house mod? 

You'll need first move into a home that does allow Mila to be adopted, such as a vanilla home.  Once adopted you can move Mila anywhere. 


7. Are there any conflicts with the mods Multiple Adoptions (mod# 3862) or Improved Adoptions (mod# 4713)?

None at all.  Carlotta and Mila will use the AI from Improved Adoptions if you live in a vanilla home and maybe a house mod.  If you use the LastName esp from the Multiple Adoption mod Mila will become Mila Valentia Dovahkiin. 


8. I just married Carlotta and/or adopted Mila but they are nowhere to be found ?!?

That's a vanilla game issue.  It takes a few days for families to move between homes.  


9. I just moved into Breezehome but Carlotta and Mila are not using the Improved Adoptions AI?

I noticed it sometimes takes a day for them to start using the new AI. 


10. Carlotta doesn't have the dialogue about her bard issue?

Either you have already completed the quest or it hasn't appeared yet.  Do a few other things and it should appear soon. 


11.  What mods are you using for Carlotta and Mila?

Mila is from The Kids Are Alright (mod# 9175).  Carlotta is from Bijin NPCs (mod# 11287).  I manually replaced her eye textures with blue eyes from the mod Improved Skyrim Eyes (mod# 9141). 


Optional Files Available for Download

Carlotta Valentia HE - TKAA Patch

A patch for this mod and The Kids Are Alright (mod# 9175).  It applies changes from this mod to the Mila from TKAA. 

It doesn't matter what order this mod and TKAA are in.  it only matters that this mod's TKAA patch comes after the other two. 



This contains a simple text file that will enable you to marry, or make a follower of, almost any NPC.  However, you may need to complete a quest before the option appears.  In the case of this mod you need to finish Carlotta's bard quest first.  Unpack the single file into your Skyrim Special Edition folder where SkyrimSE.exe is located.  In game, click on any NPC and open the console which is usually the tilde key (~).  Type marry.txt, hit enter, and close the console.  Tada!   


All the text file does is apply these changes to that NPC:  setrelationshiprank player 4, addfac 19809 1,  addfac 5c84d 1, addfac 5a1a4 1.  If you use this same file on Mila (or any child) it will not let you marry her because she's just a kid and the game won't allow it.  It will make her your friend and she can join you as a follower.  I wouldn't take her into combat but it's an easy way to move her around if you need to. 


Load Order

1. Load this mod before any other mod that changes Mila.  You'll need to manually forward the few changes from this mod using SSE Edit.  If you create a patch for another mod I'll add it here if you want to share and I'll give you the credit.  


2. It doesn't matter what order this mod and TKAA mod are in.  It only matters that this mod's TKAA patch comes after those two. 


3.  USSEP is NOT REQUIRED but I did forward a few minors changes to this mod.  If you use USSEP, load this mod after it. 


4. As far as I know, that's all you have to worry about.



I did not create this mod, I only ported it to SSE.  I do not have the skills to edit the scripts used by this mod.  I can edit the .esp but that's about it.  Feel free to suggest changes to the scripts but I won't be able to do that.  I would love for someone who has the skills to take this as a project and improve it.  I would be glad to post it here and give you the credit or you could post it as your own mod. 


Just remember, if you do use this mod you need to credit the original mod creator sicarius100. 


I have tested this mod quite a bit but there are still going to be issues that I'm currently unaware of.  I do not have a Bug Tracker or Forum because issues seem to get loss there.  Please add all comments, questions, jeers, and cheers to the Post tab so it won't be missed. 


The Fine Print

Everything stated in this mod may or may not be considered an official representation of me personally. Actual mileage may vary. Price does not include tax, title, and license. Some assembly required. Each sold separately. Batteries not included. Objects in mirror are closer than they appear. If conditions persist, contact a physician. Keep out of reach of children. Avoid prolonged exposure to direct sunlight. Keep in a cool, dark place.  Do not taunt Happy Fun Ball.  


Carlotta Valentia  - 快乐的结局SSE

Carlotta Valentia  - 快乐的结局SSE






