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上古卷轴5重置版XEdit Craftability脚本工具免费下载

上古卷轴5重置版XEdit Craftability脚本工具免费下载



发布日期:2025-03-13 09:50:00更新日期:2025-03-13 09:51:08







支持AOM TGCML和Tailoring Workbench





如果你想要Art Of Magicka支持,你需要AOM 2019而不是任何其他AOM版本。该版本可在此处获取:www#nexusmods#com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/19737




要添加对Gemstone Collector Mystic Legacy的支持,您需要从这里获得Gemstone Collector Mystic Legacy:www#nexusmods#com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/14259









Permissions and credits

This is a script using Pascal via xEdit also known as SSEEdit or tes5Edit for creating recipes for various armors. in order to work this script needs an armormaterial keyword, and an armorlight, armorheavy, or armorclothing keyword. it currently ignores all armorshield and only has partial implementation of armorjewelry support.

how to use:

first: if you just want the basics, you can run the script with only an armor type and an armor material keyword from vanilla. This will generate a proper COBJ (crafting recipe) based on vanilla balance.


if you want Art Of Magicka support, you need AOM 2019 and not any other AOM versions. That version is available here: www#nexusmods#com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/19737

next you need the included .esl file and add the keyword AOMCloth which will tell the script to add support for AOM, and one or both of the following: `ArmorMaterialCloth` and `ArmorMaterialLace` the first says to use normal linens in the recipe while the second says to use AOM's Elegant linens, they can be used in conjunction. if you use the first, you need at least one color keyword from the following list: ColorBlack, ColorBlue, ColorGreen, ColorGray, ColorOrange, ColorPink, ColorPurple, ColorYellow, ColorRed, ColorWhite, ColorLightBlue, and/or AOMGhost (which will add the AOM Ghost linens). 


To add support for The Gemstone Collector Mystic Legacy, you need The Gemstone Collector Mystic Legacy from here: www#nexusmods#com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/14259

You then need (similar to AOM) a few keywords. the first keyword is `ArmorMaterialJeweled` this keyword will add jeweled support for all jewels, both vanilla and TGCML. the next keyword is TGCMLGemstones. this will add TGCML as a master if not already listed, and continue to the color selection. this is the same as AOM except no light blue and ghost: ColorBlack, ColorBlue, ColorGreen, ColorGray, ColorOrange, ColorPink, ColorPurple, ColorYellow, ColorRed, and/or ColorWhite. This will determine the gemstone used. the final keyword is Jewelry expensive. This one is not needed, if it exists then a selection of gemstones is added, if not another is. the selection is all gemstones of the color based on the color keyword(s) and the expensive keyword. 


if you want gemstones but dont want TGCML then you can still add the ArmorMaterialJeweled keyword and the color keywords from a shorter list: ColorBlue, ColorGreen, ColorPurple, ColorRed, and ColorWhite. This will use vanilla gemstones. again check the recipe afterwards.


For Tailoring workbench, you need the Tailoring Workbench mod from here: www#nexusmods#com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/20075 this script was built with 0#0#2 and should hopefully work with 1#0#1. 

again, you need the keywords in my patch, this time you need only 1: Tailored. adding the Tailored keyword will make it add the tailoring workbench master if needed. it will then add the tailoring workbench as the workbench needed for the crafting. if the keyword doesnt exist then the crafting will be done at the normal armor crafting station.








