这是Skyrim mod“Daighre - Happy Ending”的一个端口。所有信用都给予它的创建者:sicarius100。干得好,先生。
Daighre - 快乐的结局SSE
3.完成任务Kolskeggr Mine清理并向左手矿的Pavo报告。
搬进香草屋后,你可以立即向Daighre询问她房子的钥匙。这把钥匙将让您完全拥有Daighre的房子。您可以在那里睡觉和存放物品。然而,在她的房子里只有两张单人床,而不是其他。任何香草之家都会是一个更好的家。此外,采矿是艰苦的工作,这是天际的危险区域。把你的家人搬到其他地方会更好。 Daighre的老房子最好是在Markarth附近旅行时的小地方。
3.搬进House Mod
在我使用这个mod的照片中,Daighre从mod女士面孔(mod#5630)中获得了她的外观。 Erith从mod the Kids Are Alright(mod#9175)中获得了她的外观。
本模式中陈述的所有内容可能会或可能不会被视为我个人的官方声明。实际里程可能有所不同价格不包括税,所有权和许可。需要一些装配。每个单独出售。电池不包括在内。镜中的物体比他们似乎更接近。如果病情持续,请联系医生。请将本品放在儿童不能接触的地方。避免长时间暴露在直射阳光下。放在阴凉,黑暗的地方。不要嘲笑Happy Fun Ball。
This is a port of the Skyrim mod "Daighre - Happy Ending". All credit is given to it's creator: sicarius100. Well done, sir.
The original Skyrim version of the mod: www#nexusmods#com/skyrim/mods/42560
Daighre - Happy Ending SSE
An immersive way to marry Daighre in the Left Hand Mine in Markarth and adopt her daughter Erith.
Requirements to Marry Daighre
1. Complete the quest Bonds of Matrimony which involves speaking with Maramal about Mara and wearing an amulet of Mara.
2. Own a vanilla home with a kid's bed available. You will not get the marriage dialogue without this.
3. Complete the quest Kolskeggr Mine by clearing it and reporting it to Pavo at Left Hand Mine.
4. Speak with Daighre and propose.
Requirements to Adopt Erith
1. Marry Daighre and move her to a vanilla home with a kid's bed available.
2. Speak with Erith about adoption.
3. You also get her dog Torom who continues to follow Erith. This is set by the vanilla game.
Choices for a Home
1. Daighre's home at the Left Hand Mine. DO NOT CHOOSE THIS IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE WEDDING!
The original mod author warns not to choose her home immediately after the wedding. In my testing Daighre eventually returned to at Left Hand Mine appeared to have lost her default AI. She just stood around doing nothing. Also, the only option to adopt Erith is to move into the vanilla home I already owned that had a kid's bed available. You can still live here but you must first move into a vanilla home, complete the adoption of Erith, and then choose to move to Daighre's old home.
You can ask Daighre for a key to her house immediately after moving into the vanilla house. This key will give you complete ownership of Daighre's house. You will be able to sleep and store items there. However, in her house there are only two single beds and not much else. Any vanilla home would be a much better home. Besides, mining is hard work and that's a dangerous area of Skyrim. It would be better to move your family elsewhere. Daighre's old house would better serve as a small place to stay when traveling near Markarth.
2. Move into a vanilla home you already own. ALWAYS CHOOSE THIS IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE WEDDING
You should always choose this option first immediately after the wedding. You will need to travel back to the Left Hand Mine to complete the adoption of Erith (along with her dog Torom). Once moved into a vanilla home Daighre and Erith will use the default spouse/daughter AI settings. If you use Improved Adoptions (mod# 4713) they will use that mod's schedule.
3. Move into a House Mod
I have no idea if this would work. I have not tested it so give it a try and let me know.
Daighre's Clothing
The original mode gives you the option via dialogue to give Daighre a plain green dress to wear and removes her miner's clothes and pickaxe. I ran into two issues. First, the dress wasn't green. Second, when first selected it appeared invisible. All you see is Daighre's head, arms, and legs. This resolved itself by her changing location through a loading screen.
It can also be resolved by opening the console, clicking on Daighre, and typing DISABLE followed immediately by ENABLE. Do not close the console in between commands or Daighre will be lost and you'll have to load a previous save. These two commands resets Daighre and her clothing will appear normal. Both of these issues could be caused by the clothing replacement mods I'm using.
Load Order
Really doesn't matter at all. This mod only changes some dialogue options. It does not touch any NPC record.
Daighre and Erith Appearance in the Pictures
In my pictures with this mod, Daighre gets her appearance from the mod Women's Faces (mod # 5630). Erith gets her appearance from the mod The Kids Are Alright (mod# 9175).
The Fine Print
Everything stated in this mod may or may not be considered an official representation of me personally. Actual mileage may vary. Price does not include tax, title, and license. Some assembly required. Each sold separately. Batteries not included. Objects in mirror are closer than they appear. If conditions persist, contact a physician. Keep out of reach of children. Avoid prolonged exposure to direct sunlight. Keep in a cool, dark place. Do not taunt Happy Fun Ball.