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上古卷轴5重置版 生存夜间MOD转SSE版免费下载

上古卷轴5重置版 生存夜间MOD转SSE版免费下载



发布日期:2024-10-13 11:46:09更新日期:2024-10-13 14:54:06








大家好,由于受欢迎的需求,我决定将此mod转换为SSE。以下描述部分是从LE页面获取的确切文本。 LE版本的权限在LE页面的权限选项卡中说明。我也尝试联系原始创作者。在这个非常早期的阶段,mod就是这样,虽然我确实看到了很大的变化潜力,因为增加和变化的范围很大





[C7]生存The Night.esp


















 - 焦虑:你看到一些阴影在移动,但道路上的灯光让你感到安慰。

 - 害怕:你的视力开始改变,你听到一些奇怪的声音......

 - 恐慌:你变得偏执,看到不存在的东西并感到受到攻击。从现在开始,户外灯不会帮助你。

 -  Lunatic:幻想似乎是真实的,如果你想生存,你必须与它们作斗争。

 - 疯了:你不能走一步而不被自己的心灵攻击。

 - 无意识(?):你的理智的阴影和守护者的世界......














请参阅Sky UI菜单以获取更多信息以及这些新功能的键映射。















要安装,请将BSA和ESP文件放入... Skyrim \ Data文件夹中。






与任何其他mod一样,卸载是未经修改的。但是,在Sky UI菜单中,您可以停用疯狂和夜间限制的进度。你将保持火炬修改,但主要的mod不再打扰你了。




此模块正在检查您的光照水平,这意味着它与每个DLC和mod兼容,包括那些修改气候和天气的模块。 Sky UI菜单中有两种配置:“明亮的夜晚”和“黑夜”。 默认选择“Dark Nights”,因为用这些来玩这个mod更可靠。 就个人而言,我使用Mike Foxs Darker Nights来度过非常黑暗的夜晚,但是你可以毫无问题地玩香草天空的Survive The Night。 只需选择“我有美好的夜晚”。






 - 如果SkyUI菜单未显示,请保存并重新加载游戏。 它只会在您第一次将mod加载到保存时出现。


Notes for SSE Conversion


Hello Everyone, due to popular demand I have decided to convert this mod to SSE.  The description section below is the exact text taken from the LE page.  Permission for the port of this mod is stated in the Permissions tab of the LE page.  I have also tried to contact the original creator.  At this very early stage, the mod comes as is, although I do see great potential to make changes as the scope for additions and changes is significant


This has been updated to Form 44.

This has been cleaned by SSEEdit.  According to SSEEDIT, this mod cannot be converted to an ESL as listed below:

[C7] Survive The Night.esp

    Can be turned into ESL by compacting FormIDs first, then adding ESL flag in TES4 header

    Warning: Plugin has new CELL(s) which won't work when turned into ESL and overridden by other mods due to the game bug


The original page on LE is here




They say that spirits of the night returned. Some told a story about a game schemed by two Daedric Princes, who choose one man or one woman, 

and play with their nightmares. Now they're searching for a prey...


As soon as you launch this mod, you will receive, by courier, a strange blank letter. Reading it will lead you in a dark odyssey where nights are your enemies. From 9 PM to 5 AM, if you stay too long in a dark area, far from any safe places, you will become mad and endure six states of insanity :


- Anxious : you see some shadows moving, but lights on the road appease you.

- Scared : your vision is starting to be altered and you hear some strange noises...

- Panicked : you become paranoid, see things that don't exist and feel attacked. From now, outdoor lights won't help you.

- Lunatic : the illusions seem real and you have to fight them if you want to survive.

- Insane : you can't walk one step without being attacked by your own mind.

- Unconscious (?) : the world of shadows and keepers of your sanity...


To retrieve your sanity, you have to search for light and stay maximum 10 seconds under it.

If you do not retrieve your sanity under a specific light, search for a brighter one or light a torch, you're still scared!

Your sanity is damaged only when you are out in the wild, far away from safe places (towns, villages, farms, lumbermills, inns and player's houses).

If you are panicked, lunatic or insane, the only way to retrieve your sanity is to go inside a safe place (the game will notify you). 

Near safe places, you won't have any illusions, but they will come back as soon as you leave.

The darker area you're in, the faster your insanity will grow.


In this mod, your character will be affected by an obscure curse, forbidding him to wait, fast travel, open the inventory and even use his/her own weapons during the night (you will imagine new ones). All these restrictions are cancelled during the day. Fortunately, you can choose to "pass the night", if you have the items required (some Calming Herbs, a Thick Blanket, a Trap and a Torch). You can also buy some "Night Safe Kits", that include every items except the blanket. These can be bought from Belethor in Whiterun, along with a strange Dwemer Sensor Device that show weird numbers when you make it spin...


Please see the Sky UI menu to have more informations and the keymapping of these new features. 

Note that you will still be able to use inns and carriages to pass the night (and fast travel if you are not in the wild when night falls).


Torches have been modified. Well, not really "modified", but I added a script to force their duration in an agressive way. My torches were eternal and now they last 

240 seconds as they should. These are obviously your friends in "Survive The Night". You can also customize their duration, from 60 to 240 





This mod needs no DLC, but SkyUI and SKSE are required.


To install, place the BSA and the ESP files into your ...Skyrim\Data folder.


To update, you only have to a clean install (delete the mod, launch your game and save it, quit, install the new version, load and play) if you come from the version 1.01. Otherwise, ovewrite the files (BSA and ESP).


Like in any other mods, uninstallation is unadvised. However, in the Sky UI menu, you can deactivate the progression of insanity and night restrictions. You will keep the torch modification, but the main mod won't bother you anymore.


It should be compatible with every other mods. No vanilla elements have been modified and you can load this mod anywhere you want.


This mod is checking your light level, meaning that it is compatible with every DLC and mods, including those that modify climates and weather. There are two configurations in the Sky UI menu : "Bright nights" and "Dark nights". "Dark Nights" is chosen by default, because it's more credible to play this mod with these. Personally, I use Mike Foxs Darker Nights to have very dark nights, but you can play Survive The Night with vanilla skies without a problem. Just select "I have bright nights".


"Survive The Night" do not modify brightness, climates or weathers.


- If the SkyUI menu doesn't show, save and reload your game. It only occurs the first time you load the mod into your save.









